Video of the Day
Package thefts are all the rage, with ‘gotcha’ package theft hoaxes taking close second place. Now, the newest fad has hit the streets of Crown Heights. It’s time to introduce pole thefts. A man can be seen on video walking up to a home in Crown Heights and removing the apparatus connecting a metal pole to a short gate. After just a few seconds, he walks off with his prize. A Crown Heights community member who lives in the house told, that he “doesn’t really care about the pole, but just……..why?”
Oy. Even more lawlessness
Probably worth selling as junk metal. Or maybe he liked it and wants it for his front yard?
not from CH
NU? what is this about? What is the purpose of the pole?
Pure Theft
They sell it as scrap metal. Worth it for them.
Doesn't Make Sense
It used to be there was a big market for scrap metal, but not at present. He probably just wanted it for himself.
its still scrap metal which can be sold. they are often just in need of a few dollars for drugs