Video: What’s Holding the Arab World Back?

What’s holding the Arab world back? Why, by nearly every measure, are Muslim nations so far behind the West economically, culturally and scientifically? Bret Stephens, Global View columnist for the Wall Street Journal, explains.


  • Decline?

    I like enjoy Prager U but this is wrong.
    The Muslim/Arab world is expanding not declining, as it is in the midst of taking over Europe, Africa and parts of Canada (not to mention Brooklyn).
    The Muslim and Arab world doesn’t care about aspects of life the speaker gives inflated credit to the Jewish populations for…the care about spreading Islam.

    • Watch the actual video

      He’s not talking about declining in numbers, he’s talking about their society/nations as a whole. Decline- as in the opposite of advancing not decreasing in number.

    • Richard Roe

      Excellent question. Why don’t you ask that of the Islamists who are committing terror attacks? Or do you view them as not responsible for their actions – i.e., not fully human?