Video: A Chasidic Dance with Alex Jones

A group of Lubavitcher Trump supporters from Crown Heights was present at the presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C. this past Friday. While there, they bumped into fiery conservative radio commentator Alex Jones of Info Wars, who joined them for a brief Chasidic dance.


  • Milhouse

    Oy vey. Jones is a dangerous nutcase, one of the main promoters of 9/11 conspiracy theories, with close ties to neo-nazis and white nationalists.

  • Far Right trolls

    The comments far right trolls (or those pretending to be) left on the YouTube video is sad and pathetic.

  • Why?

    One of the saddest videos ever. Do you guys realize who this mad man is and who his supporters are? Alt-right is the modern name for nazism.

  • mendoza

    a] they had fun
    b] ah kidush hashem
    c ] kidush chabad
    d ] alex will see a better side of frum yiden
    and that’s what counts

  • Anon

    But his latest conspiracy alludes to a malignant “Jewish mafia” operating in the US, controlling everything from Uber to Obamacare. Jones explained his ideas on his Info Wars show on YouTube.

    He said: “I was thinking, they’re always trying to claim that if I talk about world government and corruption I’m anti-Semitic, there’s mafias of all different stripes and groups but since you want to talk about it, the Emanuels are Jewish mafia. So there you go.

    “But, I mean it’s not that Jews are bad, it’s just they are the head of the Jewish mafia in the United States. They run Uber, they run the health care, they’re going to scam you, they’re going to hurt you.”

  • Chaim

    Alex Jones believes 911 and Sandy Hook were inside jobs. Not a guy libavitchers should embracing!

    – Lubavitcher

  • lubavitcher

    Btw, his wife is jewish. He’s a good guy, even where I disagree, I respect him.

  • Chabad

    I cannot believe that lubavitcher rabbis would openly endorse Donald trump for president.
    What happened to Chabad being apolitical?

    • Milhouse

      The frierdiger Rebbe declared Chabad to be nonpartisan. He didn’t say apolitical. They’re not the same thing.

  • Andrea Schonberger

    Alex Jones is totally not a cool person to hang with, not even for a dance. He hangs with Nazis and others who are against Yidden. I’d be embarrassed if I were those men.


    Alex jones usually sticks to just conspiracy theories.
    but recently on his show he alleged that a “jewish mafia”(google it) is controlling the US government.

  • Chani

    Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist, he’s not violant, not all his supporters are Nazis. He doesn’t hate us. Not all of his supporters hate us. More of the left hates us. President Trump actually cares about us and Israel.
    I’m so sick of the fear mongering!

  • Jason

    His Mafia comments were not exclusive to ‘Jewish mafia’ he listed all different mafia groups who he purported as evil and controlling. The media conveniently left out his entire diatribe which includes hammering away at all mafia groups. White Supremacists groups actually dislike Alex and claim he is in bed with Zionists, etc because he doesn’t follow the rest of the media narrative and talk negatively about Israel.

    • Milhouse

      How does his flinging the same accusation at other people as well make it any better?

  • Alex Jones is a Nazi Bastard

    Alex Jones openly spouts anti-Semitism and this is a chillul hashem.

  • Alex Jones is a Nazi Bastard


    Saudi Arabia wasn’t the only foreign country involved
    The Alex Jones Show – APRIL 22, 2016 45 Comments

    Pieczenik says the Israelis, Saudis and neocons were behind the 9-11 attacks.
    Given evidence of Mossad’s checkered past and involvement with the attack of the USS Liberty on Jun. 8, 1967, killing 34 American soldiers, Pieczenik’s comments won’t be received as a big surprise to many Americans.

  • Alex Jones and Chabad Lubavitchers

    Alex Jones attributes Charlottesville unrest to ‘Jewish actors’

    tell me Alex is good company…