Watch: How a Store Owner Deals with a Shoplifter

A grocery store owner in Kfar Chabad, Israel caught a wannabe thief attempting to steal a can of olives – check out how he reacted.


  • Not funny

    I do not find this funny. slapping a child. Laughing at someone getting slapped. Hilariousss.

  • Uncle Mendel

    In USA you just saw the making of an excessive force lawsuit against the store owner.
    . But not after Trump is president!

    • Milhouse

      You have no idea what you’re talking about.

      1. There is no such thing as an “excessive force lawsuit” against a private person. The term “excessive force” only has any meaning with reference to a state actor.

      2. How can Trump have any effect on this? The president can’t change even US laws, let alone state or local laws, and he certainly can’t tell any court what to do.

  • Sam

    Why does stealing justify him being slapped?

    He should and will go to jail, we don’t need store managers taking justice in their own hands.

    • Milhouse

      What makes you think he will go to jail? How will he be caught, and who will catch him? What makes you think the police have the slightest interest in catching him? This is the only justice he will get, and he’s lucky to get away with just that.

      Everyone, always has the right and the primary responsibility to defend himself and his property. The police have no duty to defend any individual, or to pursue any criminal. That is the common law, and it’s also halacha. עביד אינש דינא לנפשיה.

  • Why is this up

    Not what I was expecting. I was expecting him to feel bad for the kid and give him some food as tzedakah, not slap him up. This is in bad taste.

    • Milhouse

      Why should he give a thief presents? What makes you think he needs it?

      (By the way giving anything to a נכרי is not צדקה, and the donor gets no זכות for it.)

    • COTS

      It was a can of OLIVES (think of pickles)! This is not a basic “food” item required for survival! If he can’t afford olives, he can manage just fine without them.

    • bad taste

      so how can he learn not to steal?
      I think a slap is more effective than going to jail!!

  • Yefei Nefesh

    If every kid knew (or adult for that matter) that if you steal there is a consequence as was here ,maybe there would be less stealing and for that matter less of lots of other crime. And all of you above who wrote against the store owner you should STOP being such yefei nefesh. With those one or two FRASKS he may have saved the Israeli government who knows how much because this kid isn’t going to do it again so fast.

    • Cut Off the Hand

      Our Yishamaeli cousins cut hands off for stealing. I once heard an Egyptian professor on the subject. He said it’s very misunderstood. He said it works like a charm. You chop off only one or two hands and no one else steals.

  • Also

    I agree with #7. That is what I was also expecting. What are you trying to teach by showing this and what is the store owner trying to teach by slapping him?

  • כפר חבד


    זה ערבי .אתם תיתנו צדקה למי שנכנס אליכם הביתה וגונב.?

    • feel bad

      feel bad for you
      next time invite the ganav to sleep over in your house!!

  • tzeddeka

    to an Arab is like giving blood to a shark. They will not be satisfied, want more, and come back to kill the hand that fed them

  • Uncle Mendel

    What a bunch of bleeding hearts ! Looks like Hillary is getting their votes. Lets all sue the store owner. GEVAULT !!!

  • resident

    you feel bad for the ganef???!!!!!
    He should have slapped him more and kicked him. This way he and maybe others will learn.
    Wake up and become mature and real

  • Anonymous

    If we Jews stood up more for what’s rightfully ours we wouldn’t be entertaining the idea of giving back land
    Your rachmanes should not be for the stealer I’m sorry
    Good for the store owner that didn’t tolerate this stealing

  • What does the Rambam say

    To 18 (Cut off the hand):

    That’s the Islamic way. What does the Rambam say,
    in Jewish law, should be done with a Nachri who steals?

  • Yudi Mandel

    אמר רבי יהושוע בן לוי כל המרחם על האכזרים סופו להתאכזר על הרחמנים