Video Captures Palestinian Woman’s Stabbing Attempt

Dressed in a light pink tunic and jeans, a young female Palestinian assailant attempting to stab two soldiers and a civilian on Tuesday evening.

A video of the attack was posted on Youtube. It was shot from a vehicle that passed the site of the attack, a bus stop at the Gitai Avisar junction near the West Bank city of Ariel.

Warning: this video contains graphic content and is not suitable for children. Please view at your own discretion.


  • Avraham Yehuda

    Great Job IDF, keep up the Great work, that’s the only way these Morons get it. They are Trash.

  • CR

    Witness the perversion of these terrorist savages. Confronted with two soldiers aiming semi-automatic rifles at her she keeps approaching, making stabbing motions. This creature clearly has a death wish. This is suicide by IDF and it is the ultimate goal for the average “palestinian”.

  • anon


    i think it is highly irresponsible to put this graphic video here and serves no purpose.

    • CR

      I disagree. We need to see the true face of the enemy. Let the world witness their cretinous violence, murderous bloodthirst, perfidy, self-hatred and suicidal death wish. Let any “friend”, so-called (ben bris ve’aino ben bris), who demands “negotiation” with these zombies be forced to confront their own hypocrisy and treason. Let them explain how anything other than a maximum show of force is applicable.

  • David

    I don’t care if terrorists die. She obviously was intent on killing. Israel must take a stand..

  • Bernard M.

    Dear #4:

    On the contrary more of this kind of video should be made available to the public. Sadly there are too many (and here I include fellow Jews) who ascribe the worst motives to any IDF action and would rather express sympathy for the “helpless and innocent victims” that are subject to “unprovoked” IDF actions. I’ve been able to forward this to a number of sceptics (who no doubt will rationalize it away but at least it may shine some light into their confused minds).

  • NYPD

    What would happen if this same incident occurred in New York to a uniformed police officer? How many shots will be fired? And it would be on every news station.

  • Jim Munnis

    Rav Yitzhak Yosef has made clear what we must do to these attackers…kill them first. It is a mitzvah.

  • Is this fake?

    Is this video staged? How does the car know exactly when to stop at the bus stop? It seems like maybe it was a training exercise.

    • Uncle Mendel

      That girl’s fall looks staged.
      Doesn’t look authentic to me.

    • CSI

      Its real
      you can see the the blood on the sidewalk as she rolls over and as she lifts her hand up
      it was not there before she was shot