Video: A Mussar Schmooze from the Janitor

An Hispanic synagogue custodian has a message for its congregants: put away your phones; have a little respect.



    Mussar from a Illegal alien employed illegally by the shul- I feel better now. Im calling immigration

    • So sad.

      The guy speaks the absolute truth, and it disturbs you so much you want him thrown out. What a pathetic creature you are! Shame on you.

    • The who thinks he is exempt...

      If you think his words don’t apply to you, then they probably apply more to you than to anyone else.

    • mussar

      constructive mussar take it at face value
      Hevey Mokabel Es Haemes M’mish’amroy
      who told you is illegal?

  • picaboo shimon

    will he be singing kol nidre this yom kippur or will they hire a rabbi and chazzan?

    • Milhouse

      Chassidus includes mussar. It’s mussar plus. Tanya is, before anything else, a mussar sefer.

    • Chosid

      Good. Learn chasidus, especially what the Alter Rebbe writes in Tanya about how great a sin talking in Shul is. Oy! Chasidus mentions sin? Oy Vey.
      Stop the talking and show some respect.

    • K

      To Musar is for goyim: According to you, when the nevi’im gave mussar to bnei yisroel – they were talking to the goyim. Is Sefer Yirmeya and Sefer Yeshaya only “for goyim”? Chassidus wan’t yet invented.

  • yitzchoklevi

    If it is clear to this goy, kol sh’ken it should be clear to us. Turn the stupid (smart) phone off during t’filah.

  • Happened to me

    Where I worked, a goy (did not think I was that loud) heard me say something inappropriate (after I lost my cool). “Hey. I heard that!…”
    The next morning he says to me,”… I thought you were a man of G-d, and here you go saying, “__________.” When he told an African co-worker about it, he exclaimed to me,”..,YOU SAID THAT?!”
    I was so embarrassed and said,”no,I did not say that.” Then I got,”not only does he curse, but he even lies…you must have a T.V. in your house.”