Before meeting with President Barak Obama, the father of one of the Sandy Hook massacre victims, Noah Pozner, 6, OBM father Lenny put on Tefillin with Connecticut Head Shliach Rabbi Yisrael Deren.

Video: Lenny Poszner, Noah’s Father Lays Tefillin

Before meeting with President Barak Obama, the father of one of the Sandy Hook massacre victims, Noah Pozner, 6, OBM father Lenny put on Tefillin with Connecticut Head Shliach Rabbi Yisrael Deren.


  • very sad

    Baruch Dayan HoEmes. But wasn’t Mr Pozner still an onen? How was he able to put on tefillin before the levaya?
    Hashem enough already! We need Moshiach. The whole world has gone mad, only YOU can save us … from ourselves!

  • Michael Sotto

    Never mind Onen or no Onen, this is serious and the father should be commended for even having the strength to seek the spiritual strength that Chabad Shlichim give to Onen people. I only wish the tragedy in their hearts does not linger for years.

  • Onen and tefillin

    The Rebbe asked Leibel Groner for his tefillin before the Rebbetzin was buried.