Video: Fiddler’s Hupp Cossack

Violinist Shimon Weitzhandler skillfully performs the popular Chabad Niggun ‘Hupp Kossack’ on violin. Accompanying him is the Blue Melody orchestra.



  • Not necessarily Chabad

    This noggin was composed by the shpuler zaide. Not necessarily Chabad niggun although it was sung by the rebbe at farbraingen many times

  • now thats fiddling

    Very Very nice :)
    I think the Shpoler Zaidy would approve :)

    Gershon Beck
    Oak Park, MI

  • Mavin

    This is by no means the “Blue Melody orchestra”, instead, as the sign says, it’s the Baal Simcha Band, a very different animal.

  • A Music Buff

    This violinist makes beautiful music. He has a gift and it comes through his violin. The style in which he plays the opening verses comes very naturally from the melody and enhances the flavor. Thanks for sharing your gift.

  • Too Jazzy

    The first half sounds like a mad or drunk Russian trying to play American pop Jazz the second half is more true to the original. He definitely has talent he would probably work well with Avrohom Fried who also likes to jazz up chasidishe nigunim