Video: President Wishes ‘Shanah Tovah’

President Barrack Obama wishes all those celebrating Rosh Hashanah a happy and healthy new year.


  • Uncle Mendel

    How did they get that clown off the golf course?
    You can see he is reading the entire talk off a tel-prompter.
    Nothing like the personal touch.
    I could have done without this video.

  • who needs his blessing????

    Why would this very worthy website tarnish its name by promoting the man who has caused incredible damage to the security of millions of Yiden in Eretz Yisroel. ?????

    Why would you promote such a farce?????????

  • nope

    I have no desire to hear him say anything, let alone a fake Shanah Tovah.

    I’d rather he stay on the golf course, preferably in another country.

  • Andrea Schonberger

    Dear Abby wishes Yidden Shanah Tovah in her advice column every year and I have yet to hear of any complaints about it being a fake. So what gives here?

    • Ezra

      For one thing, the original Dear Abby was a Jewish woman, and her successor (her daughter) is therefore of course one too.

  • sck

    What a stupid lier! He probably dreaded having to say that! When will his rein of terror come to an end?!