Lipa Schmeltzer cracks a good-natured joke about what you get when you mix Chabad and Breslov.

Video: What You Get When You Mix Chabad & Breslov

Lipa Schmeltzer cracks a good-natured joke about what you get when you mix Chabad and Breslov.


  • Apology should be forthcoming

    I dont like it. Sorry. Lipa owes Lubavitch an apology. Our beliefs are not joking matters, whatever your stance on Moshiach is within Lubavitch. Someone like Lipa should not ridicule it.

  • He deserves to be banned

    Lipa is completely “banned” as far as I am concerned for his singing and dancing “Yechi” – do an internet search and you’ll find it – even if he means it only as a joke. Sadly other well known Jewish singers and entertainers do this too. However it is not laughing matter. It is against the Torah and it hurts people. They should know that not everyone laughs with them. They make me sick.

  • Anonymous

    Its sad! Lipas perception of Lubavitch has been distorted by the Yellow flaggers in 770!!!

    Time for everyone to “Hang up the phone” and “wake up” and then “throw your hands in the air” and demand those responsible to change the way Lubavitch is seen by the general world.

  • Yossel

    Here we go again…the Rebbe begged us to make a big shturem about Moshiach, and we have to go and criticize those who take the Rebbe’s words seriously. Honestly, when we will be learn to respect each other???

  • Yossel

    The quality of the sound isn’t clear…I have no idea what he’s saying or why it’s even funny…

  • Not funny nor good natured

    Wow, this what you call ‘good-natured’ , I doubt you will find many Lubavitchers or Breslovers that are amused.

  • shlomie

    i think if he wanta to see the end of the year, he should take a minyan to the ohel and ask for mechilah, as well fly to uman and ask for mechilah,

  • amusing

    Wow-get a life. He’s a comedian too. Don’t take it so seriously. Anyway, no offense, but that Yechi chanting thing is something to find amusing if not disturbing.

  • Right on #10

    Seriously, people. Get a life. You guys need to lighten up a little & not see everything so black/white and serious. It was a joke!!
    Too many times I notice that if people (especially CHers) just look positively at things, no matter what the situation, they wouldn’t be so stressed and would consequently have better lives. But that’s just me…

  • to Shlomie @ no. 9.

    Hey take it easy. I think that you should go to the kevarim of the Anshei Keneses Hagedola and ask for mechila for talking during chazoras hashatz!

  • To #6 from Zaide

    Lipa said, “Na Na Na, Cupmt shoin Rebbe Moshiach”. Sounds correct to me. Of course Breslover’s want Moshiach. Years ago in Meron I sat and farbrenged with a Breslover for over 2 hours. People came over to me and asked how you could farbreng so long and both get along so well. I believe the Rebbe Shlita is Melech HaMoshiach and he the Breslover believes Rebbe Nachman Shlita is Moshiach. I told them I have no problem. We are both on the same page at least, as we both blieve our Rebbe is Moshiach. I thought everyone wanted and believed in Moshiach. A chossid kuchs in his Rebbe’s inyan and for sure the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach kuchs in Moshiach & Geulah. I would ask everyone, “Ayeka”, where are you?

  • 40 yr in the hood

    I thought it was. Cute . To all u haters. Get life
    Yeci hamelch

  • CR

    Take a good look at his levush here. He is acting like your local Purim Rav/Court Jester and is making no attempt to hide it. Take his words with a good schmeck tabak!


    Please, people, I urge you strongly to relax, and not write such horrible things about Lipa who is an oheiv Yisroel and does so much for Yidden.
    Lipa loves all Yidden and especially Breslov and Chabad even more! It is not such a great joke, true, but it is good-natured. Recall that Lipa is the one who made a shul where all types can come together and nobody is judged. Lipa considers himself an insider of Breslov and Chabad and feels okay to joke, just as we joke about ourselves.
    PS this is not a haskamah on the style of his music, only on his heart, which means well. May he grow from strength to strength in his Avodas Hashem of bringing simcha and inspiration to all people.

  • Lipa Ain-t Klipa

    Lipa is always the first one to help Chabad whenever he can, and his brother is part of the Chabad community in Montreal. People expect him to say something outrageous on stage, and he delivers what he gets paid to deliver.

    Did anyone hear how he makes fun of his OWN background? It is on the HASC concert video if I am not mistaken.

  • Love this

    This is great, I love him
    Hes beautiful, a great guy.
    Keep going Lipa!

  • Mix tsvatis & Na-Nahs

    not Mix Chabad & Breslov
    but Mix tsvatis & Na’Nahs

  • Meh no big deal

    Seriously people lubavichers make fun of themselves all the time. Make fun of krinsky kotlarsky and co dont know why you are making a big deal of this. Sheesh hes not matis who went off the derech but his rekel looks funky if you ask me that belongs in south beach! sorry lipa! you are awesome but you did ask for it when you wore that lol

  • relax

    I’m opposed to yechi and all, but come on. If you can’t take a joke, don’t listen to comedians.

  • wow

    wow! u guys r getting all offended here! i just heard it and smiled…

  • To#23 from Zaide

    You & no one else is opposed to YECHI HaMelech. No one, and I mean NO ONE ever said Yechi or heard the idea to say Yechi until the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to say Yechi. The Rebbe said this gives Chayus to David Malchah Moshichah. So the opposition is NOT to Yechi, but the opposition is to the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach. Face it , live with it. Ayeka, where are you?