Video: Jewish Man Maced by NYPD Cop

A New York City police officer repeatedly tries to arrest a Chasidic motorist in Brooklyn, but the man refuses to exit the vehicle. The officer then sprays the man with mace and handcuffs him.

The reason the man was originally placed under arrest is unclear, but he was subsequently charged with resisting arrest as well.


  • idiot

    Deserved to be arrested. You must follow directions of the officer. If he is wrong you straighten it out later. This guy should sit for 30 days just for being an oiber chuchem.

    • Milhouse

      What law says you must obey a cop’s orders? If the orders are without legal authority you have no obligation to obey them. It may be smart to do so, just as it may be smart to obey a mugger’s orders, but that just makes the cop even worse.

    • Milhouse

      Depends what he’s being arrested for, and on what basis. If the arrest was unlawful, then the resistance was lawful.

  • false headline

    Guy who posted clip to you tube is wrong. There is no police brutality here. I commend the cop for his patience!

    • what chutzpa!

      If a policeman tells you to get out of the car,you MUST listen to him. This policeman is VERY patient.

  • sick of fascism

    These cops are thugs. Not public servants. They get decent salaries and even more attractive pensions to bully. What a world. Oh yes, from time to time, some of them do some great noble things.

  • own fault

    The cop warned him many times. If he would have just cooperated he would have saved himself from getting hurt and into more trouble

  • Wonderful Kiddush Hashem

    Thank you for making us look good in the minds of the local police.

  • Lets play the "anti semite card"

    first of all you dont show the whole video, so we dont know what led up to this. Secondly, when a officer tells you to get out of the car YOU DO IT! and when you resist, you are going to get yourself into trouble. PLEASE PEOPLE, STOP PLAYING VICTIM, it will only hurt yourself in the end.

    • Milhouse

      We don’t need to play the anti-semite card, at least not without more information than is here. But we can certainly play the arrogant-police-forgetting-that-they-are-our-servants-not-our-masters card.

  • Cop's reasons

    I know what the Yid’s crime was:
    Aggravated sneezing, illegal possession of a cell phone, battery of a cop by looking at him the wrong way, resisting arrest even before the cop approached the car, and reckless endangerment of a Bumble Bee.

  • Surprised

    I’m surprised the cop didn’t call for 20 backups to pummel and beat the living daylights out of the victim, and then claim they felt in danger and threatened because… oh I don’t know, because the victim had sharp teeth maybe!?

    • r u?

      As far as this cop knows, the man could be dangerous. He could be hiding a gun in the car and that could be the reason the driver doesn’t cooperate. We all know what kind of people the police deal with, and when they see someone acting unreasonably ‘weird’, they need to take full precautions. This cop, being alone, and the driver of the car, not alone, but had his friend recording the incident (and for what reason? Did he expect that this wouldn’t be a normal occurence??), and these guys not acting reasonably, u bet the cop assumes he’s in some sort of danger!! Wouldn’t you if someone was acting totally unreasonable with you??

    • Milhouse

      Any NY cop knows that a person who looks like this guy is extremely unlikely to be a murderer.

  • At least...

    He’s lucky he didn’t end up in the hospital and disabled for life by being injured from a cop.
    “Let me be clear” (- BHO), I don’t know what happened here, but too many times, it’s a innocent victim vs. a criminal dressed in uniform.

  • Yitzchak

    This guy is not the sharpest tool in the shed, he brought it upon himself.

  • next time comply

    This video shows the dumbest chusid and most patient cop in America.

    • Milhouse

      Disrespecting a cop doesn’t make someone a punk, it makes him a patriot. More people should stand up to the cops. You’re probably one too.

  • Sruly, don't do trouble

    Why is this news? The policeman was beyond patient. Chutzpa, acting like gangsters… white jewish gangsters. Brats…

  • Pinny

    The driver was wrong not to listen

    but the cop was wrong, in how he dealt with it he should of never asked the driver to get out, these cops just want power and cannot act professionally

    This is how it works cops tell you that you are under arrest for no reason when you ask why and ask for a reason they arrest you for resisting arrest

    in no other country does this go down these cops need to be punished for arresting someone without reason

  • Yossi A

    I see the video, but what was the cop trying to arrest him for???
    UNCLEAR is a bit evasive!

  • Anonymous

    The video is captioned police brutality. That is not police brutality. The driver was clearly resisting arrest and was not complying with instructions of a police officer. He was repeatedly warned that he would be sprayed if he did not listen.

  • b from brooklyn

    personally I am embarrassed for the man in the car! Yes, we may not know whether the arrest was substantiated or not, but the bottom line is, when you are ordered to get out you listen! The officer gave him like 50 chances before macing him. personally I think this guy was being an idiot and made a huge chilul hashem.

  • james

    how in the world is this police brutality!?!? The officer asked him countless times to get out of the car and he is under arrest. if i was the police officer i would have maced him way before.When a officer says hundreds of times get out of the car you are under arrest you get out of the car.

  • Disgusting Chillul Hashem

    What that did was completely illegal and a disgusting chillul Hashem.

    Why would you post a video like this publicizing such a thing?

  • Chutzpah!!

    Im sorry but the Yid is being totally chutzpadik! A) don’t talk back to a cop b) having your friend heckle is the background is frustrating and just plain rude! C) if a cop tell you you’re under arrest, don’t press his buttons and act like a 2 year old then complaining ::cough, cough:: I can’t breathe.

    Sorry but I am completely with the cop on this one.

    • Milhouse

      Why should you not talk back to a cop? On the contrary, it’s every citizen’s right to talk back to cops, and remind them that they are our servants, not our masters.

    • to milhouse:

      real curious how the situation would play out if you chas v’shalom needed the cops for a serious situation. Im sure your attitude would be very helpful. best of luck if this situation were to ever arise

    • Milhouse

      A cop is a public servant, not a public master. Helping people is his job, not something he does of his own good will. Unfortunately most cops are arrogant chazeirim who think they are our masters, that disrespecting them or talking back to htem is a crime, and that they can do whatever they like. They have to be taught otherwise, for everyone’s safety. Otherwise they will be even more dangerous than the criminals.

  • What?

    You do have o listen to the cops. However, he was manhandling the driver. What was he stopped for?
    Should have called. Shomrim immediately.

  • no police car in site

    whats wrong with the police officer…
    Was he bored???
    Why didnt he just wait for his back up?

  • Ignatz

    The cop tells you get out of the car, you say “Yes sir.” and you get out. The first time he says it. The guy deserved what he got.

  • Citizen Berel

    Well, my fellow yid refused an order to exit the car and he resisted arrest in a public scene for a little over 3 minutes and he was repeatedly warned of being maced. I am glad that it ended without any serious harm.

    I would like to know what a police officer is supposed to do when a citizen refuses to enter into police company. I can’t imagine that the officer can’t force the citizen into custody and I also can’t imagine that the officer is required to call for back up to help him gently remove the man from the automobile. Remember that the majority of people behaving like that man, aren’t fellow yidden.

    So to sum up, the only awry I find here was my brother’s strange behavior. I’m not sure how HE thought that was going to end.

    But maybe I’m off and ‘your’e under arrest’ is a suggestion, kinda like a play date.

    • Milhouse

      The first thing a cop has to do is have clear grounds for arrest, and tell the person what he’s being charged with. And make sure it’s a real charge, not something the cop just made up. Without that it’s a false arrest, the cop is a criminal, and the citizen has every right to refuse cooperation.

  • CH mother

    Absolutely, the driver should have obeyed the officer and gotten out of his car!! Citzen Berel is spot on!

  • very wrong

    the title is wrong its not police brutality the guy in the car was wrong and i want to know what happened to the first part of the video. you shortened it to make it look like the cop was wrong but thats not the case. he was resisting arrest and was meant to be maced the officer was not anti semitic at all. and put a bad rap for chassidic jews

  • Not Advised

    He hit the police officer, which is not going to help him at all. After he gets sprayed, he claims that he can’t breathe, but he continues to speak and fight without coughing or gasping for air. The guy filming sounds like he wants to be arrested as well for obstructing the officer. The officer can thank Hashem that this exchange was recorded on video, because it will prove to any reasonable person that he acted professionally.

  • finetobe

    He totally deserved it. He did not leave the car when asked, and therefore, the police officer needed to use harsher, alternate means of getting him out of his car.

  • Mordechai-Never side against a Yid

    When there is a problem you must always side with the Yid. Let the courts decide later. However at first we must always be on our side.
    Imagine that he is your son or brother.
    Ahavas Yisroel no matter what!
    We have enough enemies.

    • comment 54 a load of stupidity

      Siding with the Jew no matter what can also lead to a chillul hashem. Imagine the cop was a Jew the driver a non Jew and non Jews defended the driver. There’s no doubt that would outrage Jews. This is no different. The Rebbe refused to get involved when Jews had a run in with the law.

    • Milhouse

      You have no idea what chilul haShem means. Chilul haShem means putting the wishes of the goyim ahead of yiddishkeit. When people see that Jews stick together stand up for each other as brother should, and don’t throw each other under the bus to curry favour with the guy with a gun, that’s a kidush haShem. Don’t forget, ahavas Yisroel is a klal godol batorah, and the whole Torah is just an explanation of it.

    • Whats with you people?

      Remember that there is less than .1% of Jews in the world, so if all the non-Jews sided-up it would be like a whole lot of people against 1.

    • Milhouse

      Yes, we are one lamb against seventy wolves. And now you want us not to side with each other?! To throw each other to the wolves in the hope that they will spare us?! Does the mitzvah of ahavas yisroel mean absolutely nothing to you?!

    • awacs

      “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.” – Winston Churchill

  • moshe

    you hear His friend keeps on asking (in yiddish)the driver who he should call to intervene I’m not so sure he is his friend as he doesn’t bother doing anything for him just asking!? maybe the whole thing was a set up.. .. who knows?

  • TorahYid

    Oy…this yid is a mamish boosha and shonda. Listen to the cop. Resisting doesn’t make things better.

  • Mendy Hecht

    It’s not clear why the guy was resisting, but it looks like he was trying to hide or avoid something.

    Also, the officer was getting emotional and should have recused himself from the scene until he could calm down while a backup continued to ask the guy to step out.

    If the officer was wrong and the guy was right for resisting, you don’t see that in the video. Something must have happened before they started recording.

    Also, if he could talk, he could indeed breathe.

  • Cops = Escalation

    …They love to say “stop resisting” they say for anything seen it with my own eyes how many times they escalate the situation.

  • Ch'er

    I read on another website it was sparking ticket. What’s the reason for the arrest. It seems the guy was chutzbadik. That’s it. Sick cop. NYPD should only hire well trained cops and pay them well, that way they’ll start acting more like civil servants. Not just ppl that have a low self esteem that need power to feel alive.

  • friend

    why is it chutzpah to answer a cop? you have to listen if he tells you why you are being arrested. But talking not nice is not a crime. the cop can do it so can a civilian

  • The story

    According to Facebook, the guy was double parked sitting in his car and got a ticket, so the yid made fun of the cop (something about going thru red lights for no reason). The cop then tells him you think you are funny, this is funny; you are under arrest..



    • Please

      How about you know the truth first. And if a person is in the wrong they are wrong. End of discussion.

    • crown heights resident

      what a ridiculous statement. A jew saying that anOther jew is in the wrong is not anti-semitism, but an example of a person who is willing and able to form their own opinion. We know historically what group-think leads to.

    • Milhouse

      CH resident, have you never heard of ואהבת לרעך כמוך? Rabbi Akiva said it’s a כלל גדול בתורה. I think you may have heard that once or twice in your life, if you really live in CH.

  • Don't make it hard for the police

    Many years ago, in CH, a Mitzvah Tank wanted to go to Eastern Parkway, via Kingston Ave. At the time (may have been Tishrei), as is often, that part was blocked off by police, until the crowding got less.

    Being part of our tribe, the driver of the tank asked the policeman an exception, so he could pass through.The policeman complained,”If we let you do it, than we have to let everyone do it. You’re making it hard for us.” So, we were the ones telling this guy to find an alternate route.

    Similarly, if the policeman goes easy on our safe loved one, then he would also have to go easy on truly dangerous lowlives too!

  • TO #2


  • Whats with you people?

    I kept on reading and reading and I finally saw someone who said to side with a yid! I don’t get what’s with everybody who sides with the cop.
    I do agree that he should have gotten out of the car, but only because of the cop-bully-idiots. Here in Minnesota the cops are normal.

  • cops are a dangerous and violent joke

    you must obey a LAWFUL order of police, getting out of the vehicle is not one of them….i did it once bc the cop wanted to pat me down, i let him, i benefited, but it only emboldened him to for his next victim…. the broken window theory goes both ways….all you have to do is not drive off…. only if they have probable cause may they give you orders to get out of the car.

  • cops are a dangerous and violent joke

    55 is a cop….. dont you have better things to do than police the internet

  • evil prevails when good men fail to act

    unlawful arrest is a violent crime!

    which allows for anyone to use deadly force to repel the unlawful arrest by the officer!