Yedidim Choir Sings the Daled Bavos at the Chuppah of Yosef Shidler - AKA the 'Cool Jew' - in front of 770 yesterday.

Video: Yedidim Choir at the ‘Cool Jew’s Wedding

Yedidim Choir Sings the Daled Bavos at the Chuppah of Yosef Shidler – AKA the ‘Cool Jew’ – in front of 770 yesterday.


  • Blaahhh

    Boring!!!! There’s no Gefil in the Niggun the way
    they sing it.

  • Thinkster

    You should hear these guys do “The Kop of Life” by Rabbi Richie Martin. Ole!

  • chasky

    beautiful mazel tov yosef sorry i couldn’t make it to the wedding may you have a long and happy life together

  • Abe

    I usually find that at the chuppa the music is overpowering and poorly played, hence hard to follow. They should tone it down and let people sing, would be more somber and less annoying.

    Here is no different, would much prefer to hear the singer than the squeaking of whatever instrument the band is TRYING to play.