Zlati Sharfstein, OBM.

Parents to Tell Zlati’s Story at Shloshim

The parents of Zlati Sharfstein, OBM, who tragically passed away last month at the age of 53, will mark their daughter’s Shloshim with an evening of remembrance and inspiration.

Rabbi Mottel and Chana Sharfstein will discuss the trials and tribulations of bringing up a child with autism. The evening will encourage understanding, compassion and a world of greater kindness for those with special needs.

When Zlata Esther “Zlati” Shartfstein was diagnosed with Autism, knowledge of the medical condition was only in its infancy. There were no occupational therapists, physical therapists or early intervention treatments to assist the child. Few resources such as day camps, schools or residential centers were available.

In face of that, there was a lack of support and understanding of the needs of this population. Medical insurance plans were not available at the time for this condition either, adding financial burden to families seeking advice from neurologists, psychiatrists and costly exams.

Under these circumstances, Zlati’s parents were determined to create a good life her, despite the great challenges and obstacles. Living on a tight budget, Zlati’s needs were a priority. Beans, rice and potatoes, sometimes interesting casseroles, were often served for dinner. There was no extra money for cleaning help or babysitting. To top this off, there was a lack of understanding and support from within the Jewish community.

Zlati’s life story, culminating with the over-medication of drugs administered in a residential center that destroyed and shortened her life, will be presented in a video at the Shloshim. A shorter version can be viewed below.

The Shloshim will take place on Tuesday, April 29th, 7:30 PM at Chabad of Yonkers, 600 North Broadway, Yonkers, NY, 10701.


  • Tante Annie

    I do hope to see some members of the Crown Heights community at this event. My daughter Zlata was placed in this world to fulfill her tafkid and this commemoration is to validate her existence.She was a catalyst who inspired countless people. Her presence in this world was a blessing for she helped to make this world a better place, more kind and compassionate. Zlata definitely is hastening the arrival of Moshiach.

  • Avrahami

    She sure is!! We are a bit far in Tzfat, but we are with you in our hearts and minds, May you be reunited NOW with the coing of MOshiach!

  • Anonymous

    Thank you for the video! I have an adult daughter with autism(23 years old) so I know how difficult things are.

  • 48 yr in the hood,

    may hashem continue to give you strength .
    may yr husband have a refua shliema .
    moshiach now

  • a reader

    As a parent of a child who has been on medication, the side effects of some medicines are frightening Some doctors or places will not listen to parents about the parents’ concerns about the drugs their children receive. I hope you have advocated for more regulation of medicines, better care for those in residential facilities, and research of NMS..May your daughter’s memory be a bracha.

  • Very moving

    I cannot imagine the challenge it is to raise a child with special needs so many years ago with so few resources or support. I am very sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing your daughter with the world. May Hashem send you only blessings and revealed good.

  • what a beautiful woman

    May Hashem spare each and every Yid any more sorrow-even for one second
    Moshiach NOW
    Ad mosai? Ad mosai? Ad mosai?


    around,my husband has it,it’s a mind blindness,and i cannot even begin to tell you how diffuclt the marriage is,he’s gets something in his head and there’s no way to get through to him,i not knowing he has this just tried to hack away with therapts,didn’t work as he just walk in and out nothing move him,now that i realize it,trying to find a way to get through

    does anyone has suggestions? sent it in