Video: Camp Emunah Split the Pot Winner Drawn
Thanks to hundreds of contributions, a total of $10,119 was went into the Camp Emunah Scholarship Fund’s split the pot raffle. The lucky winner was drawn in front of the camera and was posted on YouTube late Sunday night.
In a drawing, done before cameras and uploaded to YouTube, Levi Schnider of Florida is the lucky winner of a $5059.50!
Though the Raffle is over but you can still contribute to the Camp Emunah Scholarship Fund here: http://CampEmunah.org/SplitThePot
The Camp Emunah Scholarship Fund is a Tzedaka (Charity) Fund designed to help families who struggle financially cover the tuition costs for their child(ren)’s summer camp experience at Camp Emunah. Your contribution will help give a child from an underprivileged home the chance to enjoy a summer experience of a lifetime at the greatest camp in the world!