Video: Neturei Karta Attend Event Where Speaker Calls for Murder of Israelis

Neturei Karta activists attended the annual Al Quds Day rally on Shabos in Toronto, Canada, during which the former president of Canadian NGO “Palestine House” openly called for Palestinians to embark on an ethnic-cleansing of Israelis.

Speaking before a assembled group of about 300 in Toronto on Saturday, Elias Hazineh said of Israelis, “We have to give them an ultimatum…you have to leave Jerusalem; you have to leave Palestine. We say get out or you’re dead. We give them two minutes and then we start shooting. And that’s the only way they’ll understand.”

In calling for a war against the Jewish State, Hazineh concluded his speech by saying, “I am reminded of this verse from the Quran: ‘And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and steeds of war’—-that’s the only thing they’ll understand!”


  • eastern pkwy

    i think its wrong to give them free advetisment, it is a real chillul hashem

  • abe

    a sign is mutkzeh on shabbos
    on the other hand what’s worse chillul shabbes or chillul Hashem??


    Don’t let them hide. Their kids should be thrown out of school, they shouldn’t be served in any stores, no kibbudim in Shul etc. Consequences.

  • satmare

    satmar and neture karta are the same guys…this is the garbage they support…i would boycott all of these meshugoim…

    • Milhouse

      Satmar and NK have no connection! Satmar is a chassidic movement (or at least as chassidic as Hungarians get), while NK are misnagdim — they came out of the Prushim community.

      And these people don’t even represent NK. They’re a tiny minority of a tiny movement, but they’ve given it such a bad name that its genuine members are ashamed to identify with it. Reb Amram z”l was a big ohev yisroel, and would never countenance supporting murderers of Jews r”l.

  • These jew's should be killed like yoshka was.

    This is just crazy, and why is there yosheys there, so if they are against Israel they should leave and go to Gaza and see what will happen to them, and they should be there when they are talking about killing other Jewish people.

    What sort of people are they’s Jew’s.
    if they are against the Zionist what is that got to do with Israel, would they rather it be a Muslim country where they will just be shot walking around,look at the other Muslim country’s they shoot there own civilian’s so to if there were Jew’s there there will be a massacre.

  • yoli

    these guys are just doing what they do best…shabbos ahin shabbos aher…rocks and carrying signs are mutor if its for palestinians….these giys are the gutter of yiddishkeit.

  • Not the same as Satmar

    Don’t mix them up – they are very different. NK are crazy radical people – totally on par with the Arabs. The Satmar are chasidim of a different Rebbe than ours.

    • Satmar are not Chassidim

      They do not come from the baal shem tov. The baal shem tov was the father of all chassidim, belz, breslev etc satmar was not one of them.

    • Milhouse

      Chassidus came late to Hungary, but Satmar is as chassidic as Hungarians get.

  • Even the arabs can't believe it.

    All arabs are looking at them to try to figure them out. They want to kill them but can’t. I love the confusion they cause.


    neturei karta should be expelled from israel and deported to the heart of gaza and the like.
    What wrong with Netanyahu? he usually acts quickly.

    • Milhouse

      On what grounds should they be expelled? What power does the government have to expel them? And what right does it have? It doesn’t own the whole country. It can’t just pick someone and evict them like a landlord. Especially people who were there before the zionists came.

  • chillul hashem

    when they come to the israel parades everyone sees what religous people are it causes a big chillul hashem.we should just ignore them and show who we really are !

  • disappointed

    hasn’t anyone learned by now that these crackpots are just that Not Jewish & if you stop giving them publicity they will go away Netanyahu & company love them as despite knowledge to the contrary they can hold them up as an example of “Jewish extremists” etc.

  • to # 15

    dear mr Milhouse
    did you ever heard the word “TREASON”
    under treason you can arrest them or better expel them
    This people don’t even hold Israeli citizenship they would prefer to have a Palestinian or Iranian citizenship

    • Milhouse

      No country has the right to expel its own citizens; the state does not own the land over which it claims sovereignty. And the state of Israel must consider them its citizens, or else acknowledge that it is illegitimate.

      Beside which, nobody ever has the right to expel any Jew from Eretz Yisroel, no matter what. Eretz Yisroel is the property of the Jewish nation, not of any state, and all Jews are its citizens. That is Hashem’s law, and no state has the right or power to override it.

  • Yossel

    #19…NK are a bunch of meshugginas. Don’t compare them to those who believe in what the Rebbe pleaded, cried, and screamed about for decades, chas v’sholom. I’m not a fanatic but find the comprison insulting and totally inappropriate.

  • to 21No country has the right to expel its own citizens

    A) they are not “citizen”of Israel
    and they don’t recognize israel
    B)they can be charge of treason, especially if they collaborate with murderers to kill yden
    C)in time of the David hamelech he pasken about the Givonim that there were not Jewish for what they did
    so in our case ??