has obtained this video which depicts the extremist elements in 770 'reenacting' the weekly Sunday dollar distribution the Rebbe performed between the years of 1986-1992. The man at the podium is filling the role of the Rebbe's secretary, who would slide a dollar bill toward the Rebbe for him to distribute to each person seeking a blessing.

Video: ‘Tzfatis’ Mimic Rebbe’s Dollar Distribution has obtained this video which depicts the extremist elements in 770 ‘reenacting’ the weekly Sunday dollar distribution the Rebbe performed between the years of 1986-1992. The man at the podium is filling the role of the Rebbe’s secretary, who would slide a dollar bill toward the Rebbe for him to distribute to each person seeking a blessing.


  • hard to judge

    i dont see anything when i look at this, but i wonder if they are seeing something i am not. i guess its each to there own and i know that pepole are going to call them crazzy but when an outsider looks into a shul and sees us all praying at the wall before us they call us crazzy to.


    Why are you embarrassing our community. These people should not be dignified with videos, articles, comments or the like. We should pretend they don’t exist.

  • Good Morning!

    They have been doing this for years and now you wake up to make fun of them not even 1 day after yom kippur?

  • the french twins - skeptical

    sometimes i wish i could go back to that level and believe everything they were telling me was real

  • mendel

    soon the begers is 770 will catch up an have a breakfast every sunday, until the tzfatim ont go broke

  • A Rod

    As long as they use the dollars for good things, who cares? You should feel sad for them, not make fun of them. If this was the worst they did, it would ‘dayeinu’.

  • yossi

    I think this is great theater! I had a really good laugh! Great way to start off the new year!
    Thank you for putting up this video.

  • stam a bochur

    completely nutz!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    can i come i need for a cream cheese beggel!!!!!!!! hahahahaha

    and a chocolate milk!!!! hahahaha

    so funny you guys really need to speak to a doctor!!!

  • Free lunch!

    Having watched the video, I take away the following points:

    1) I have a new-found respect for Mendy Hendel. He is quickly falling in line with such greats as Jim Jones,David Berg, and David Koresh. To call this anything other than cult activity is denial. Don’t try and lie to yourself and claim that these are people with “great emunah”. You are belittling what Emunah is when you allow this retarded behavior to fall into such classification.

    2)There are far more of these lunatics than I ever realized. I am giving the ones that took more than one dollar the benefit of the doubt. I am going to assume they were in it for the free lunch. But for the rest, the ones taking a dollar from an invisible person, FULLY GROWN ADULTS!, this is scary.

    3) Lubavitch really has been hijacked. Either that, or we just surrendered. See, the fact that this nonsense is going on does not actually bother me. I am a “live and let live” type of person. What is wrong with the picture here is the fact that this is going on in OUR headquarters. That means that it is no longer the behavior of a select few. It is the behavior of individuals that, at least temporarily, are representing us.

    4)Someone has too much money. I imagine that whoever sponsored this considers it Tzedaka. This tells me that they are not only mad, but they are (halochikly)ignorant as well. A simple review of the Halachos pertaining to Tzedaka would present far better things to do with Tzedaka money.

    5) People have too much time on their hands. Israeli bochurim used to come to NY for Tishrei to go “Shupping”. Now, instead of pumping money into our economy, they are taking it out by not spending and taking dollar from the invisible Rebbe. The democrats are going to be very upset…

    6) On a serious note – I was feeling really bad for us (yiddin) over Yom Kippur. When I recited (in Musaf) that we no longer have a leader I felt really bad for my fellow Yiddin. Having watched this, I actually feel much worse for the Rebbe. Is this what he worked so hard for? Is this the legacy of such a great Jewish leader? For this stupidity and childish behavior to be taking place in the place he used as a base to illuminate the world with G-dly light and goodness?

    You can justify this any way you want. Fact is these people are not Lubavitch. They are a cult in our midst. The problem is, they have infiltrated every part of us. Every community, every shul, every mossed. They are right about one thing – we really need Moshiach now!

  • a sad chossid

    this reminds me of the satmar making fun of the rebbe on purim !!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bankrupt Them!

    Very simple. Ten people need to hold up the line asking for 2 dollars each for each of ten children.

    Don’t do it all at once or even the dopeheads will figure out what is going on.

    One twenty-dollar request every 10 mins or so should put an end to the shtussim.

    And one guy with a bit of chutzpah should really try some theater, go back on line with 20 play dollars and yell that they were given counterfeit bills while his friend takes a video!!

  • The Rebbe is weeping over this

    I am so tired of defending Lubavitch to my non-Lubavitch friends. They think we are all crazy, and this video proves them right.

    At first I was rolling off my chair laughing. Then, I wanted to cry. I am crying for these people who love someone so much that they can’t let him go to Olam Habah to do his work there. I am crying for CH who has to put up with these people And most of all, I cry for the Rebbe, and what he must think of this.

  • Shame on you!

    Thank you for sharing this with us less than a day after Yom Kippur!
    We are well aware of this activity, what are you gaining by publicizing?…More Hate?!?!?!

  • to number 13

    you say “I am a “live and let live” type of person.” it dont sound like it, sorry.

  • normal father of two

    funny to see people reacting as if this is the first time we are living a cult style life…we just react when we think it is extreme …well people have called us a cult even when this was happening when the rebbe was alive….guess what they can be right about that too….most of judaism may just be a cult thing started thousands of years ago with the Israelite tribe who clamed to have seen god….

    the point is if the leaders of lubavitch want to keep any credibility on our movement you had better get serious and do it fast..there is a theory out there that if you ignore it long enough it will disappear…thats a sivoreh…but guess what its only getting more crazy and the children of these crazies are falling further away from the original craziness……the longer they feel like alabatin in 770 the longer it will take to do something about it….

    you have to bring the police into the shul tare all the cult stuff down…..send all the israeli cult members back and have the police there full time until everything is so established that you can rely on one police officer with many video cameras…….

    if this doesnt happen soon i guarantee all that the next generation lubavitch is a lost cause…..not only the next…i know many good guys..even shluchim that are thinking of throwing the towel in…….we need normalcy…we have to be normal jews ….keep with normal tradition……and make it work for our children….lets not mess it up….

  • Where-s Krinsky

    Why does Yudel let them get away with this?

    According to the court this part definitely belongs to him, why doesn’t he get rid of them?

    If he can’t get them out of upstairs with so few guys doing the craziest things how does he expect to get all the Meshugoyim out of downstairs if he wins?

  • these guys are just crazy

    if you really want to have a laugh you need to go to the shaking of the pusul lulav and esrog on thursday morning

  • Love your brother from another mother

    When we learned in 770 a few years ago these nut jobs did this, so we thought lets go up and get a few bucks for so some sodas. It worked you go up get a couple brochos and then we say shehakol, win-win. They have an illusion, I get my brochos in a soda.Ahavas Chinam

  • Such anties they must live with...

    do they always need to limit the rebbe to body limits such as dollars making away for the rebbe, getting kos shel brecha opening up igros kodesh, when will thees antis learn not to limit the rebbe in a body, when will they understand that going to the ohel can also mean that you can get the rebbes blessing without needing to make believe you see him.

  • I feel terrible to see such a thing!

    Hashem Yishmoer! It is they who make fun at what our Rebbe did for many years. They are making a complete joke out of the Yichidus with which the dollar was a vehicle to have. Hashem to heal all those who are in need of a complete refuah shilami. I got a few dollars from the Rebbe and this just makes me sick to see people make a complete joke out of this. If they would like to give tzedaka let them hand out dollar bills to all those who pass by 770 in the front…. What a sad video to watch.Where is the Koved of the Rebbe when this is being done???

  • I think the line should be drawn here

    There are people out thee who really want to be mekusar to the Rebbe. These people reenactng the dollar giving are turning it into a joke. I think they sould be stopped in a safe and legal way.

  • why

    why is it any worse than walking in the Rebbes holy room?
    and why are you spreading hatred all the time?????????????????

  • Three Categories

    There are those that believe, those that don’t believe….and then there are those who “ MAKE ” believe that they believe.

  • Reb Chaim

    I think the whole CH should go and take 15K dollars from them and then see if they continue!!!!!!

  • wow

    one of the first people to collect a dollar is a “regular” collector in 770 guess what he came for??

  • To comments- What is your problem?!

    So they want to be mekushar in this way? They certainly mean it with their whole heart. Get off their case and stop criticizing..! Who are you to criticize? because you do know exactly what to do after Gimmul Tammuz!!??! Learn to respect others if they arent hurting others..

  • TO #13...


  • curiious

    how does a person determine whether he takes an extra 1,2 or 3 dollars. I see one guy took three ….

  • Joe the plumber

    This is really crazy, these people need psychological help. They suffer from trauma.

    Thank G-D I moved from CH

  • Dovid Hamelech

    (10) “For forty years I quarreled with that generation; and I said, ”They are a people of erring hearts, they do not know my ways.” (11) So I vowed in my anger that they would not enter my resting place.
    (Psalm Chapter 95)

  • Open letter about the Meshichist issue


    To my fellow Lubavitchers who actually care about 300 years of Toras Hachassidus, Yiras Shomayim and Emes. Please stop defending these ‘Taliban Jihadists’. They are dead wrong and they are single-handedly responsible for shlepping our Rebbe in the mud.

    On Gimmel Tammuz the day when the Rebbe ascends b’ginzie miromimim, these quacks have the chutzpa to pull off such a stunt, it’s just heartbreaking.

    The fault is ours, the reason Lubavitch’s holy name is so tarnished is because we refuse to act. Like dear caught in the headlights we are disgusted when we see the antics of the ‘Tzvatim’ but we refuse to act. Our Rabbonim, mashpiyim and leaders hide their head in the sand and pretend that when we get criticism for this ”they always hated Chabad“. WHAT GARBAGE!!

    What do you expect frummeh, erlicheh Yidden to say when they see these vans of destruction rolling through their neighborhoods blasting their music? How do you expect them to react?

    I am sorry but I think the outrage towards us is justified. We posses a sick group in our midst who listen to no one, b’davka perpetuate fights and dissent and cause a huge Chilul Hashem to put it lightly. A sick limb needs to be treated and if it’s untreatable sometimes an amputation is in order.

    Many of my fellow Lubavitchers are going to get very angry at what I am saying. ”Why wash our dirty laundry in public? Why bash fellow Chassidim?” The answer is they really have nothing to do with my Lubavitch. FINISHED. My grandfather didn’t need to sit in Siberia for five years for teaching an illegal Cheder in Belarus to see his beloved Lubavitch sink to such garbage. The mesiras nefesh of 7 heiligeh Rebbeim didn’t need to disintegrate because of the actions of a bunch of Johnny-come-lately baaley teshuvos who know better then everyone else what Hakodosh Boruch Hu REALLY wants.

    Wake up and smell the coffee. This is our mess, our Frankenstein; if we don’t deal with it then the blame lies with us.

    To all other non-Lubavitcher Yidden: Look, this is a group of loonies, to say they are tiny would be a lie. In Eretz Yisroel they have gained popularity and have attracted many to their stupidity. The good news is that here in USA they have turned most people off from their message and most American Bochrim and Yungerleit want nothing to do with them. The rift has grown and the divide is stronger each and every year. From me personally, I can only offer my apologize even though I had nothing to do with their junk I feel somewhat responsible. Maybe I should have slashed their tires or something but that’s not really who I am. They sicken me, my family and the majority of my friends. Trust me please, WE DON’T LIKE THEM AT ALL.

    So again, sorry. Maybe some of you can offer some constructive suggestions how we can rid ourselves of this plague. Honestly it seems like we are incapable of dealing with this in-house.

    Let’s end this off on a positive note. Let us each add in our Avodah to the Aibishter, whether it been in Limmud Hatorah, Gmilus Chassodim or Tefilah. May the Ribbono Shel Olom see our sincerity and send us Moshiach Tzidkeinu and grant us the Geulo HOAMITIS ve’hashleimus immediately and rid us of this nightmare.

    Kol Tuv,

  • Mocked from within for a change - YIKES!

    Rabbi Braun and Rabbi Shvei have what to be proud of!!! Giving support for this activity isn’t worth the paper they put their signatures on.

    Our version of the Neturai Karta. Rachmana Litzlan!!!!!!

  • concerned

    Sad and upset.
    Who is funding this whole thing?
    If soemone wants to give out money for tzedako he is can go out in the street and hand out money.
    But what is being done is (the Purim shpiel) devalueing what the REBBE initiated.
    Shame on them.

  • Terrified

    Who is the maniac(s) that is/are funding this abhorrent behavior? He/they should be drawn and quartered.Is this Halachicily permitted?Isn’t this avoideh zoreh mamosh? Where are our so called Rsbbonim?Don’ they realize the house is burning and no one is putting the fire out?If not now when?
    I to find it increasingly impossible to defend Lubavitch to my non Lubavitch friends and relatives We have become the laughing stock of the Torah observant and non observant Jewish world.I know of many shluchim that that are going through shiva medurai gehennim because of these escapees from the asylum.If this lunacy continues Lubavitch will become completely irrelevant C”V.

  • what about us?

    im not even gonna say how sad, crazy and ridiculous this is cuz it will take wayyy too long –
    on a lighter note when is girls time??

  • you never know

    Lets not laugh! There is such a concept as using imagery to heal or get brochos .In the medical field it is very much recommended and if this is the best way these people can do it then maybe they are on a level that not everyone understands.

  • Rivky schwei

    How do you not put a warning before you show this. Something like:


  • disgusted

    “As volt nit givan mein nar volt ech oitch gelacht.” The Rebbe was such a great holy person why are we allowing some nuts to make fun? The Rebbe gave tzedako. He wanted to see every yid so he gave and let them pass by him. These guys take the dollars and go to the ice cream shop and buy junk. They are right but do not make fun of the Rebbe. I would also go and get money hey free money and go to the ice cream shop. Is there not one sane person among all of them? Who is the biggest fool sponsoring this? Does he realize what he is doing? We know that there are some crazy meshugoyim but our children may be brainwashed and then what. Our past Rabbeim, our Lubavitch history does not deserve this kind of chilul hashem and chilul lubavitch


    Didn’t Krinsky/Shemtov just serve them papers to evict them? According to my calendar that should have happened before Yom Kippur (better 18 year too late than never). GET RID OF THESE FREAKS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • CR

    During the Second World War the American military set up forward bases on islands in the Pacific. The local natives observed the Americans building sea ports and airstrips. Ships and planes would then arrive, discharging huge quantities of materiel. Not understanding what the Americans were really doing the natives then began building their own ports and airstrips, expecting the deliveries to come to them as well. The expected cargo never arrived but some islanders are still waiting to this day.

    Apparently, the Cargo Cult lives on in some quarters of Lubavitch.

  • Seen And Heard It All

    Anyone who doesn’t cover his eyes with a blindfold and stuff his ears with earplugs, can see and hear MUCH MUCH WORSE any day or night in the downstairs shul at 770.

    Seeing and hearing these people, who belong in an insane asylum, was much too much for me to bear and because of their denial of reality and absolute craziness I moved myself and my family out of Crown Height years ago. I really would like to visit the Rebbe zt”l’s shul once again, but only when the Meshichistim (including the so-called non-violent ones) are totally removed. I don’t hate them, but I do hate what they have done to Lubavitch. All of them, and all of their signs and slogans, MUST BE REMOVED A.S.A.P.

  • if it was not so sad I would be laughing

    you got to give it to the ocational person that you can see just came to get the dollar… I think we should all go, bus people in and take the nuts money.

  • saddened!

    oy what an absolute circus – how sad!
    Its a big joke because most of the dollar beaners actually dont have their shirts tucked in which is a major no no. One begins to wonder about so many different aspects of this film. Just totally sad.

  • crying

    How dare you put up such a video the day after Yom Kippur? Such a video should be put up on Tishe B’Av. While we are crying for the churbon Bayis we can cry for churban Lubavitch.
    The Rebbe did not deserve this kind of chilul.
    BTW who decides how many dollars to take? Can I come and take a stack? it is before yom tov and food is expensive.

  • Y.R.

    Open letter to open letter:

    Why the hatred? Seriousely! My grandfather didn’t sit in Siberia nor did my grandparents. My parents didn’t grow up even frum and you know what? Who cares. They are not you. They are not writing letters comparing other jews, chassidim eveb to “taliban”. What stupid openly retarded labels. C’mon people.

    Are they hurting anyone? No. So seriousely, do your thing and let people find there own way to connecting with the rebbe. “Imagination” is talked about a lot in chassidus as a tried and true method of coping with the darkness of our exile. Let them find they’re own light. As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.

    When they, or anyone else for that matter, pushes they’re beliefs pass the line of physical violence. Then we must intervene. Otherwise believe what you will, and connect how you can. With crying or with joy. Any light to dispell the horrible darkness.

    C’mon people. Try looking inwards for a change.

    Ps. I wont give my name besides initials, because as I’m sure everyone knows by now, they’re are sadly too many people who will destroy others in the name of theire beliefs

  • ch resident

    why dont we get together 50 real lubavitchers who want to protect kovad harebbe and put an end to this next sunday show up for their dollars and fill the room up and take their getshke and throw it out of 770

  • schocked

    Which idiot is funding this? It’s like the plague that is growing and growing. IF nothing is done it will get worse and consume us all. Cut out the rot and send them back and save our children.

  • perhaps a good way to explain

    I don’t understand the shvartze that got dollars the sheigetz got dollars the misheneries that got dollars the rebbe cared for every creature and when the rebbe came out with a mivtza every one did it in the way they were given from hashem the kochos to do every one lefum shiura diley our Rebbe came out with mivtza Moshiach and every one can do that some have a ofen hamiskabel that is for them and some have another ofen hamiskabel remember no two people are the same so this all stems from the Rebbe now we could do two things egnor or say this my brother he has a different ofen hamiskabel and open up a moshiach center for them were we could help them and guide them with there koch just as we have opend up heichal menachem for chassideshe communitys lubavitch caters to all even those who it treif and married out like cteens sheli ach freind ship circle drug adicts and ect…… its Lubavitches nevroim they were created thrugh our rebbe let’s not be ashaimed and stand up to the challenge and create some thing that they can fit in and feel good (like ohel hasc …..) every shliach is Gr8 at finding away for a person to do what’s right even they a hour later he will do some thing against torah so stop kicking out and see how we could guide and direct them it is a big shlichus to help them in there living meshuge Moshiach that was created by our Rebbe

  • HMM

    Appropriate Conduct at the Ohel
    Before entering the Ohel, it is customary to write a letter to the Rebbe. When referring to one’s own self or mentioning someone else’s name in the letter, one should use the name and mother’s name (e.g. Isaac the son of Sarah). It is preferable to use one’s Hebrew name. It is customary that Gentiles use their father’s name.

    Men should wear a Kippah or a hat. Women should be modestly dressed and married women should cover their hair (shawls, skirts and kerchiefs are available at the Visitor Center).

    It is customary to wear non – leather shoes at the Ohel.

    Candles may be lit on the designated shelves in the Ohel’s ante-chamber. (Candles are available at the Visitor Center).

    In The Ohel
    There are separate entrances for men and women. Some have the custom to knock on the door before entering, as a sign of respect.
    It is customary to verbally read one’s letter (albeit quietly), then tear it up and place it in the enclosed area.

    Customary prayers include the Ma’aneh Lashon and Psalms. Suggested chapters of Psalms include the Rebbe’s chapter, Psalm 110, and the chapter corresponding to one’s age (e.g. Chapter 31, for someone aged 30). There are Ma’aneh Lashons and books of Psalms in the Ohel’s ante-chamber. To see the Ma’aneh Lashon – click here.

    As a sign of respect, it is customary to exit the Ohel walking backwards.


    At the time I was puzzled and surprised that the Rebbe did not sit at the head of the table—after all he was our “king.” [Rabbi Shemtov adamantly declined to attend these meals. He could not bear to see the Rebbe take a “back seat.”] Yet [I later learned that] it made sense, although, as I have already stated, I did not realize it at that time.)

    We sat around a large rectangular table. There were normally six seats on either side, with two chairs at the bottom end. Each place was set with a silver goblet for Kiddush and two loaves of bread. The table itself was laid with an immaculate snow-white linen cloth and the finest cutlery, crockery and glassware were provided. Wine, soda, and other drinks were at hand for when required.

    The top, the head of the table was set exactly the same as all the other places, but the chair was to remain unoccupied. This was the previous Rebbe’s table, and the chair was his too. It was a symbolic gesture. Therefore, the Rebbe, who was the [Previous Rebbe’s] younger son-in-law, sat on the left hand side, whereas Rabbi Shmaryahu Gourary (the older son-in-law, known as the “Rashag”) sat on the right. Next to the Rashag was Rabbi Simpson [an aide to Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak]. My seat was always the same, next to Rabbi Simpson, and almost opposite to the Rebbe.


  • To #46,#54 from Gedaliah Goodman

    Avodah Zarah Mamosh is a person in this time who calls himself a chassid but he has no REBBE. He is only serving himself. And if he is only thinking and concerned with chabad-lubavitch, that for SURE is avodah zarah, k’pshuto. Did you ever see what it looks like to see people that were drawn & quartered? I DID. Torah observant and non-observant, you link together, correctly. There is NO difference, and one does not need to defend the REBBE MHM, or chabad-lubavitch. Not to them or to the goyim. Want to see true avodah zarah, read what YOU wrote and look in the mirror. You can not defend what You say, that’s why you do NOT use your name. Avodah zarahnik, coward, fool,that’s you. Of course, you can not defend yourself, so do not try to defend shluchim or lubavitch. We lubavitchers are doing just fine, and will continue to do so, with you or without you.

  • let them think what they want

    and do what they want in their own homes…
    if they were really taking this so seriously, why are so many of them taking the dollarS with their LEFT hands!?!?!?!?

  • to 25

    are u aware of the fact that this nuts,crazy pishers spit on R” krinsky, the person the Rebbe appointed himself incharge, every time they pass by him on the street! and again, nobody does anything…

  • Laaniyas Dayti

    It is sad to stand by and watch the pathetic scenario on both sides of the video. The actors and the audience.
    Yes, these yukels have developed a new theology of Lubavitch. However, look deep inside and ask yourself how far is it from your own? There is no quantum leap in this morphing of Chabad into a severely narrow ideology. The ideology of Lubavitch has been narrowing since the 70’s. Perhaps ’78 (lamed chess) was part of it, in that the Rebbe begashmiyus had to change his daily activities.
    Until you yourself are prepared to question the narrowness of your own belief system, you can expect the more intelligent of the next generation to look for broader pastures. As a by-product, you also confirm this natural evolution of theology.

  • shliach

    So the chassidim who made a chu chu train after a farbrengen were also crazy? yep maybe so, but soon after they went out of russia on a real train, back to their rebbe,in United states.
    STOP THE SINAS CHINOM Misnagdim will always find reason to laugh at us,
    One more thing….. the faces of these Bochurim have Chassidus Mikvah and Eidelkiet written all of them.

    I am an American Shliach, if my son was in that line i would be proud!!!!!

    my problem is i dont have the guts to sign my name.


  • Uncle Mendel

    Dude, it is my responsibility to inform all those “people” that each dollar they receive, no matter from whom or what, is
    I can bust each one of those guys for tax evasion, but I won’t if they agree to pretend they also don’t exist. I wish…
    I’m going back to ARLANS !!!!


    I actually have a life, so don’t have time to read thru ALL the comments, but I have to totally agree with #13….
    OK, this is total INSANITY!!! an outright CHUTZPAH & a mockery of anything & EVERYTHING the Rebbe stood for…they have clearly lost their minds!!!!…This has got to be banned from being allowed to take place….ESPECIALLY where it took place…& then we get phonecalls asking us to help feed and house these lunatics..

  • oy vey

    oh no! some of the guys on the line were wearing the yellow crazy tag. how will i be able to tell the apart from other smushed hatted bachurim?

  • Terrified

    Gedaliah Goodman or whoever you are

    “There is NO difference, and one does not need to defend the REBBE MHM, or chabad-lubavitch. Not to them or to the goyim”

    Very sad but it’s exactly because of people like you and your ilk that we sadly need to defend The Rebbe and Lubavitch.It’s not the Rebbe nor Lubavitch that’s the problem.You’re the problem.
    “You say, that’s why you do NOT use your name. Avodah zarahnik, coward, fool,that’s you”
    Yep! The old ploy.Az si felt seichel,resort to ad hominim attacks.
    “Did you ever see what it looks like to see people that were drawn & quartered? I DID”
    You did? When? During the middle ages? You must be from the gor eltere Chassidim.

  • Terrified

    Gedaliah Goodman
    “You can not defend what You say, that’s why you do NOT use your name. Avodah zarahnik, coward”
    Yes perhaps I am a coward because I can’t defend myself.I’m terrified of being physically attacked by the Tzfati thugs that have been terrorizing CH with their physical attacks on others.Can you read? Or do bury your head in the sand as to what’s transpiring in our neighborhood.

  • m fendel

    Rabbis schwei and braun:





  • Kindabach

    Message for #75 shliach:
    From time to time I have to travel (not in the US) connected with my work. Many many years ago I often solved my food problems via Chabad. Today I stay away. I cannot take a chance that the shaliach might be of your ilk. Better to eat crackers and tuna fish brought from home.
    P.S. What’s the difference between Moshe Rabeinu and the Rebbe?
    Well, we know that Moshe Rabeinu is dead but we don’t know where he is buried. On the other hand we know where the Rebbe is buried, but we don’t know if he’s dead.

  • When???

    When will there finally be a sane governing force that will take action and restore the kovod to the Rebbe and 770?????

  • WOW!

    The video is truly amazing, as these people are so aware of the Rebbe’s Kedusha around them. It is in their every posture – THEY ARE THE FUTURE OF CHABAD.

  • In G-d We Trust

    Yaakov Avinu lo mes.
    Even if someone believes that this is literal, as the Rebbe had said, then how do these people know that the Rebbe would want dollars distributed now?

  • Feigie

    I believe the reason the Rebbe gave dollars was to get hidden to give tzedakah. If these people are encouraging the people to give tzedakah then they are doing nothing wrong. Unfortunately from the comments I think most used it for themselves. Even if they would have exchanged dollars with each other they could have had the mitzvah of helping another Jew.
    I also think that the way this was posted is a big Chillul Hasem.

  • Tova

    If you don’t understand their way of doing things just STOP theSinas Chinim already. Weall want the GEULA so Wake UP Yidden.

  • a very upset bochur

    im reading these comments and getting really upset. im sure everyone knows the gemmorah of why the beis hamikdash was was because of sinas chinam. i always wondered why why is sinas chinam such a terrible thing that it could destroy the beis hamikdash. there are different answers on this but reading through these comments i finally got an answer. through all of you peeople..both sides of the coin…im not saying whose right and whose wrong…but if we continue to act like this our beis hamikdash..770..the beis rabbaiunu shebebavel will become into one place full of hatred and will be “destroyed”…please dont be so hateful to each other. and to all those who are saying to kick them out #1 they have a right to be by the rebbe just as much as you #2 even if you kick them out they will still be who they you are not dealing with the “problem” you are running away from it. and then u say u want them out for the rebbes sake. its not for the rebbes sake. its for YOU…bc if it was for the rebbe you would deal with it.

  • es

    “The demonization of others is a sign that one has lost their own spiritual sensitivity no matter how it is justified” . The external impact of above is more from those who demonize than those who express their sincere belief. We are one people , one family , one body. On judgement day , either after 120 years or when Moshiach is revealed – think about where you would rather be – getting angry and fighting with other Jews or sitting in sincere belief one way or the other even if it may not be exactly correct. If G-D is your guide then the negatives will subside.

  • Levi

    It’s nice how lubavitchers on this website are calling these actions a cult, yet not realizing how the whole world thinks we belong to a cult.

    Is swinging a chicken over your head normal? What about making everyone wear the same type of clothing? Or threatening people over tznious? How about speaking about the rebbe 24 hours a day, and a person who dares question anything about lubavitch is condemened, and sometimes excommunicated. Wake up! They only took it one more step, and now we think we are sophisticated and they are crazy.

  • To#75 #82 S from Gedaliah Goodman

    To hear and face the truth is, for most people, very difficult. Did I see such a thing? Drawn & quartered? Yes. Where? Cuba, 1959.
    Want to hear details, call me. I live right here in Crown Heights. I don’t want to post such a gruesome description. Yet if I were to tell the Cubans that they were worse off under Batista, they would never accept it or believe it. And they would want to tear me apart, for telling the truth. At least you admit you are a coward and afraid. The shliach is also afraid to post his name. If the shliach is proud of what he feels & believes, then let people know who you are. Maybe they will also not be afraid, and you can help them to also believe as you do. When the Rebbe MHM would clap, on Shabbos & Yom Tov, and when the Rebbe MHM would turn to Abuchatzera to motion to him to whistle, on Shabbos and Yom Tov. and then the Rebbe MHM found out that his chassidim, R’L, were trying to defend the Rebbe MHM to the other, so called, Torah observant people, the Rebbe MHM cried bitterly, and said, “What kind of chassid feels that he has to defend his Rebbe”. So shliach, put up your name. All those who are with the Rebbe MHM, let people know who you are. Maybe you will help someone, or at least try to help. Hatzlachah Rabbah. Gedaliah Goodman C.H.

  • pizza

    I am wondering if someone is “ collecting these Rebbes dollars” as the old real ones.If hey keep them and write the dates,then I would be worry about
    But ,go and ask all these bochrim to show you all the Rebbe’s dollars they have
    You are going to find out that this money end at the bagel store or pizza shop

  • to #101

    there is never a good reason anything that causes you to hate your fellow jew is called sinas CHINOM!!!!!!!

  • will lashon hara help?

    its enough that there is so much fighting with non lubavitch and lubavitch alone… why need to make it stronger let people think the way they want…. everyone do your own thing and understand the Rebbe in your own way as long as they are not going against Halacha!!!!
    you are actually doing an aveira by speaking bad about them….

  • to 65

    to number 65 you talk about these guys with such hatred they are doing nothing wrong you dont belive the Rebbe is there so go to Flatbush and daven in Agudas Yisroel
    you are talking about these Lubavitchers the same way as shach spoke
    the fact is these people have beards and learn allday Nigleh and Chassidus not like you guys who pick your beardes etc.
    if you dont belive the Rebbe is standing there then you dont belive in the whole concept of Lubavitch

  • To #69. HMM

    You’re trying to impress us as if you know what happened on the second floor where they set the place for the Frierdiker Rebbe.

    However, you fail to mention that the place remained empty because no one sat in the Frierdiker Rebbe’s place (as I don’t sit in my fathers place), but they never set the place as if someone was going to eat and no meal was served there either.

    Respecting a place is one thing, especially a holy place, that’s why nobody will sit in the Rebbe’s chair or make use of his room freely, but to serve him food or pretend that he is giving dollars is plain mockery. If you believe that the Rebbe is here you would leave it up to him to figure out how to distribute the dollars, not have some dude act as a dummy managing the Rebbe’s movement.

  • To #75. shliach

    You write “REBBE PLEASE COME BACK WE NEED YOU NOW!!!!!”, but you make no sense.

    Didn’t you just write “I am an American Shliach, if my son was in that line i would be proud!!!!!” which should mean that you believe that your son is in the line collecting a dollar from the Rebbe, so why does the Rebbe have to come back when he’s standing right there giving dollars?

    And don’t you dare say that the Rebbe is really not there and this dollar line is only a symbolic line, because the guys running that line will kill you before you manage to leave that line….. And will take every last dollar that you stole from them……..

    Bottom line, to protect idiots you don’t have to talk nonsense, we already know that they are not nonsense, we don’t need your help.

  • Critic

    To #102
    “Is swinging a chicken over your head normal? What about making everyone wear the same type of clothing? Or threatening people over tznious? How about speaking about the rebbe 24 hours a day, and a person who dares question anything about lubavitch is condemened, and sometimes excommunicated”
    All of the steps you mention above are not exclusive to Lubavitch.Kapores has been part of Jewish tradition for hundreds of years before the Besht.Wearing the same type clothing,and I’m assuming you mean Kapotes, again is not exclusive to Lubavitch,The Yeshivish crowd speak about their Roshei Yeshivos 24 hours a day,There are those who question the authority of the so called “Gedolai Yisroel” and are condemned for it in all the chareidi media.Tzinius is a Halacha that is observed by all Torah Jewry with varying degrees.
    The whole Meshichist theology in all it’s variations however is not a “step” it’s more of a giant leap.It’s a completely new phenomenon in Jewish tradition.Yes we all know that there is an opinion in the Gemorah that states that Moshiach can be min hanmeisim but this was never accepted as part of mainstream traditional Jewish belief.Comes along a group of Lubavitcher “Theologians” who have abrogated to themselves the breita pleitzes to try to make this part of Lubavitch belief.I am not arguing for or against this belief.Every one has the bechirah to make that choice on their own.The tragedy however is what this belief has morphed into of which this business with the dollars is but one example.

  • ..........



  • Moshe


    First of all, they do it for year. Why publish it now? It was much wiser to leave it in the secret. Now, you decided to make it public.

    Second, posting it online gives the impression that we, in Lubavitch, all believe in that stupid thing. This is like posting pictures about those who build the “Rebbe’s Soukka”, as if the Rebbe was physically alive to dwell in “his” Sukkah. Publisging such things make a fun, not only about those extremist elements within our own community, but also about the WHOLE Lubavitch movement.

    Third, I notice one of the French Twins in the video.Would you invit them to your celebration?



  • whatever

    I’d like to see more photos so that I can identify these people who are acting this way.
    Where is the hanholoh???

  • wow!!!!!!!11111

    omg the twins from france they shouldnt be doing this they should be having fun crazzzy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • perhaps a good way to explain

    I don’t understand the shvartze that got dollars the sheigetz got dollars the misheneries that got dollars the rebbe cared for every creature and when the rebbe came out with a mivtza every one did it in the way they were given from hashem the kochos to do every one lefum shiura diley our Rebbe came out with mivtza Moshiach and every one can do that some have a ofen hamiskabel that is for them and some have another ofen hamiskabel remember no two people are the same so this all stems from the Rebbe now we could do two things egnor or say this my brother he has a different ofen hamiskabel and open up a moshiach center for them were we could help them and guide them with there koch just as we have opend up heichal menachem for chassideshe communitys lubavitch caters to all even those who it treif and married out like cteens sheli ach freind ship circle drug adicts and ect…… its Lubavitches nevroim they were created thrugh our rebbe let’s not be ashaimed and stand up to the challenge and create some thing that they can fit in and feel good (like ohel hasc …..) every shliach is Gr8 at finding away for a person to do what’s right and a hour later he will do some thing against torah so stop kicking out and see how we could guide and direct them it is a big shlichus to help them in there living meshuge Moshiach that was created by our Rebbe

  • The System is Polluted

    Hashem Yishmor!

    I doubt there will be a non-meshichist yeshiva left in Lubavitch by the time my son is old enough to learn away from home. Guess I better start thinking of an alternative now!

  • To #117 Thanks for Brachah

    Awmain v’awmain. I’m sure you are correct. Hopefully it will include, not just Lubavitch, but the world will recognize and learn with the Rebbe MHM together. Thanks for the Brachah. If you want to remain on the outside, ‘Asher Cherfu I’kvos Meshichechah’,
    thats up to you, you have free choice, but G-d willing, your son will not follow your way and will be together with those who are together with the Rebbe MHM.

  • Levy

    I say, let’s all just forget about being Temimim, Shluchim, Funn Unzere, or the Rebbe’s Kinder, or Tankisten.
    Let’s just join the rest of Klal Yisroel, and serve the one and only Riboine Shel Olom, like it was 200 years ago.

  • Galus. Galus. Galus.

    Let us understand this with the help of a parable.

    Five blind men were shown an elephant and asked what they “saw.” The first blind man, standing in front of the elephant, carefully examined the trunk. “It’s a large hosepipe,” he reported. The second blind man, standing at the back of the elephant, examined the tail and reported that it was a brush made up of long, wiry strands. The third blind man, standing at the side of the elephant said that, without a doubt, what he was standing before was a large leather wall. The fourth blind man, examining the elephant’s ear said that he believed he was standing before some sort of sailing vessel because of the large, durable sail he could feel. The fifth blind man, standing at one of the elephant’s legs, was convinced he was standing next to a tree trunk.

    When each heard the other report what the object before them was, each blind man argued from their own perspective and their own experience. And argue they did. They mocked the intelligence of, and insulted each other. They called each other fools. And when they heard each other’s arguments, they would reexamine their own perspectives to prove to themselves that they were right and the others were clearly mad. After all, the evidence proved it.

    The truth, plainly, cannot be revealed from a single perspective. The failing of each blind man was not the quality of their own examinations. It was not a problem of intelligence. The problem was that none of them changed where they stood. None of them asked to trade spaces with another. None tried to understand the perspective of the others. Worse still, the more heated the debate, the more entrenched they became in their own perspective and the more they saw themselves as the voice of truth.

    The saddest part of this little story is that none of them, not a single one, could actually see the truth of what stood plainly before them. None could see the elephant. They were all completely blind.

    It turns out having sight makes us no less blind. We all only see the world from our own perspectives.



  • M. Fendel

    To Rabbi Krinsky:



    M. Fendel

  • Shimon

    He didn’t even give the Rebbe a chance to use the rest room. No feelings for an elderly person.

  • BS--D

    Lubavitch is a movement of Holy Yidden. Yidden that will not fulfill that role should not be called Lubavitch.

  • A True Act of Courage for Torah

    The people who perform the perverse actions depicted in this video have no one telling them that what they’re doing is actually against Halacha–and that’s because nobody is saying it.

    It’s time for the Rabbonim, tzaddikim, and talmudei chachomim of Crown Heights–with the strong support of all Anash–stand up, together, and publicly declare and pasken that the Rebbe, to our great loss, is no longer living, and, to our great loss, is not Moshiach. Nothing short of this simple, powerful, TRUE statement.

    It’s time for us to this ‘question’ addressed directly and finally.
    It’s time for us to stand up for what we believe.
    It’s time for us to confirm our mission in Torah and mitzvos and make sure that everyone knows what that mission is–and is not.
    It’s time for us to take back possession of the heart of our shchuna and our Chassidus.

  • yossi

    Are these people so different than most of you out there who wear Yechi yarmulkas and let their children wear them??? Are they so different than those who circle the bima after lecha dodi singing yechi to yourself?? Are they so different than those who circled the bima this past friday night yom kippur singing yechi to the lecha dodi tune, like at the shul I was at???
    Until you realize than your just as crazy as they are, than those ubber extremist won’t go away…and neither will you….

  • To#129 from Gedaliah Goodman

    Rebbe MHM. That’s the TRUE heart of the C.H. shchuna, that’s the truth of chassidus. Very obvious that you are not from C.H., also very obvious that you are not a chossid of any sort. A persons ONLY mission in this world, now, dor shevii, is to bring to the world the light and recognition of the Rebbe MHM. This mission includes the GOYIM. Again, I see that this “True Act of Courage for Torah’ has NO NAME, showing, once again, that this comment of yours is, NOT true, NOT an act, has NO courage, and has nothing to do with Torah. Like all the rest, of the no names, you are to weak, not commited, to cowardly to stand behind your comments.


    What’s wrong? Nothing! It’s THEIR WAY OF CONNECTING TO THE REBBE! You can each have your own way, too!

    P.S. Yes, I am a normal Lubavitcher.

  • yossi

    Thats their way of connecting to the Rebbe?? After the Frierdiker Rebbe passed away, did we see such behavior? As the Rebbe himself said, the way to connect to the Rebbe is to learn his Torah and follow his teachings.

  • Dovid

    #133: Yossi, let me ask you straight out: do you think the Rebbe is (present tense) Moshiach?

    I read so many comments on this site and others and no one ever says what everyone has in their minds. We use euphemisms or redirect our questions. Call people “crazies” without ever really saying why they’re crazy. Complain about their eccentricities without standing firm in our own beliefs.

    Why is this? Fear? Uncertainty? Even in anonymous comments are we so unsure or afraid?

    Things will be upside-down in Crown Heights as long as the ‘antis’ (even that word leaves out what you’re ‘anti’ towards) are unable to confront their own hearts and demand from their Rabbonim a clear p’sak. Until then, there will be one group that is passionate about what they believe and do, and one group that hems and haws about what the first group is doing.

  • CR

    “What’s wrong? Nothing!”

    See my comment above about the Cargo Cult. Or consider the story of the Chotzer whose new Rebbe would not eat the challah crusts because his father did not do so. That his father had no teeth made no difference.

    This activity amounts to simply copying and rehearsing the actions of others without understanding the actual content. Judging by the appearance of many folks in line, they only heard of “dollars” years after it had stopped. The purpose of dollars was to see the Rebbe’s face, hear his voice and even exchange a few words. I remember it all very well, thank you! None of that is happening here even for the deluded few who pretend that he is actually there (he isn’t, and no amount of fantasy can change that). The principle of “Tzadik DeIspater ishtachah BeKulhu Almin…” does not stop him being “Tzadik DeIspater”!

  • Critic

    To Gedaliah Goodman
    “Very obvious that you are not from C.H., also very obvious that you are not a chossid of any sort. A persons ONLY mission in this world, now, dor shevii, is to bring to the world the light and recognition of the Rebbe MHM”
    Wow!!!! your’e more judgmental in your various posts then most other commentators posting here.You seem to have some claim to super powers that gives you the ability to discern who is from CH and who is a Chossid or not.I can just as equally say the same of you.Where does it say that in order to be a Chossid one must believe that the Rebbbe ZY“A is Moshiach or that he is alive and hiding somewhere in 770 and that perverse shenanigans are necessary to prove ones hiskashrus to the Rebbe ZY”A? Because “I Gedalia Goodman” says so? You believe the Rebbe is Moshiach,fine.Tovoh olecho brocha, but don’t disparage others that disagree with your premise.Would you say the same of R’ Yoel Kahn or Rabbi Gerlitzky of OT or many other chosheve Chassidim that don’t believe as you do? In my opinion your judgmental attitude and pontification stinks of hubris and a lack of ahavas yisroel.

  • To#35 from Gedaliah Goodman

    I did not notice any claims to super powers in any comments that I made. Judging where you go, where your children go, associations, etc., is clearly proper according to the Rambam, Pirkei Avos, etc. Yes, I always thought a Chossid has a Rebbe. I also never mentioned anything going on in 770 or other places. The disagreement is not with me, it is with the Rebbe MHM. The Rebbe MHM said ‘The Nasi HaDor is the Moshiach of the Dor’. Chassidim without a Rebbe, a Dor without a Nasi. That’s where you are now?? Thats a very strange new kind of chossid, don’t you think? I do very much THANK YOU for your Brachah. I hope and pray that the whole world will receive this Brachah of Moshiach. I believe your Brachah to me,’Tovoh olecho brocha’, for believing that the Rebbe MHM is Moshiach, comes sincerly from you, from your ‘pinymious’. Of course I want the whole world to be Blessed with MHM. If you think that is not ahavas Yisroel, well, that’s your perogative. I do not know what the two people you mention think about the Rebbe MHM, but if their opinion is also in conflict with the Rebbe MHM, then, YES, I AM saying just that, NOT chassidim of the Rebbe MHM. Chag Sameach. Gedaliah Goodman

  • Jewish, Not MeshiChristian

    From now I plan on referring to the infantile Meshichistim (like Gedaliah G.) as “MeshiChristians.”

    Their minds work (if they do work at all), not as Chassidim, but as Christians. Scream all you want about the Rebbe zt“l being alive and being Melech HaMoshiah but that will not make it so.

    Jews, Chassidim and Misnagdim alike, are Modeh Al HaEmes, when someone passes, as the Rebbe zt”l did 18 years ago, we say Boruch Dayan HoEmes. We do not deny reality and establish a new religion of Doreish El HaMaisim and invent a theology of a Second Coming.

  • To#141 Jewish, not MeshiChristian

    The Rambam states that the reason for Christians and Muslims being in the world is to prepare the world for the Messiah. Since they believe in a Messiah, it SHOULD have made it easier for the Jewish people to believe in a Messiah. What happened to you Jews? You say Chassidim and Misnagdim alike. From what we see now in the world they ARE EXACTLY alike. Your poor Rebbe struggles so hard for the whole world, and for all his efforts that’s the results he gets, the Chassidim and the Misnagdim are ALIKE!!! What a tragic, according to you, end of such a great leader, Rebbe, and I believe Messiah.

  • Avi

    Whoever said we don’t believe in Moshiach just because we accept that the Rebbe’s petirah was a petirah mamash?

    What we should start saying after davening is what we believe: Anu maaminim, b’emunah sheleima, b’vias hamashiach. That’s a phrase we can all agree to, no?

  • Critic

    To # 143
    Do you feel that there is lack of greatness or shleimus to our Rebbe if he’s not moshiach? Do you feel that all our Rabeyim beginning with the Bal Shem Tov, the Maggid,the Alter Rebbe etc.were all lacking in their shleimus and greatness because they were not Moshiach? Did they also not struggle for the world?
    Why this overwhelming need to promote the Rebbe as Moshiach? A true Chossid of the Rebbe and all the previous Rabbyim is a Chossid because he believes in him/them as being our Rabeyim. Nowhere in Chassidus does it state that in order to be a Chossid you must believe that the Rebbe/Rabeyim must be Moshiach even after his/their histalkus. If you need to add the appellation “Moshiach” you are essentially saying that being a Rebbe is not enough.Not to believe that the Rebbe is Moshiach does not diminish our belief in beas Hamoshiach in any way C”V.

  • To#44 Avi from Gedaliah Goodman

    At a pigishah, in L.A., California, 1989 or 1990. The guest speaker was Manis Freidman. One of the things he said was that, a Lubavitcher Chossid, a true Chabad Chassid, can NEVER again say that statement from the Rambam,’Ani maamim b’emunah sheleima b’vias HaMoshiach, because we already have Melech Moshiach, the Rebbe shlita’. Now, he may deny it, or he may have changed his mind or opinion, but he said it, I heard it, and I have no problem with it. I do believe that the Rebbe is Melech HaMoshiach and for sure I have never said that posuk(verse) ever since. I believed it then and I believe it NOW, that the Rebbe is MHM. What Manis believes, now, I don’t know. Does he know what he believes, I don’t know. You want to know what Manis believes, ask him. Will you get a true answer, I don’t know. Why? I don’t know if he knows what he believes or if he believes, but you can try to ask him. Chag Sameach. Gut Yom Tov. Gedaliah Goodman

  • To Gedaliah

    I just want to confirm what you’re saying: do you no longer agree with one the Rambam’s 13 pillars of Jewish faith? Are you aware of the consequences of taking that position?

    I would say “Gut Yom Tov,” but I’m not longer sure we’re celebrating the same thing.

  • Critic

    To Gedalia Goodman
    A number of years ago,before you even knew about the existence of Lubavitch, a well known eltere Chossid suggested to the Rebbe that the time has arrived for the Rebbe to reveal himself as Mossiach, The Rebbe replied that it would be advisable for the Chossid to see a rofe mumche.Since you claim that a Chossid must believe that the Rebbe is Moshiach I would suggest that you do the same.