Video: Aron Levy’s Lawyers Speak to Reporters


  • Ad Mosai

    in his statement, the murderer kept saying he panicked. i think we do not understand what it was for him to panic. he did not set out to kidnap and murder. he is a man who has struggled to sustain his unhappy life. possibly someone who always made bad decisions who had finally found a job was almost normal. and then a sweet boy asked him for help. and he made the wrong decision of bringing the child home. he was a quiet person who feared publicity and when he saw the search. he panicked. a normal person does not understand what it was for him to panic. he did not chose to have a marginal personality and be lonely. Hashem, Ad Mosai?

  • Not an excuse

    I am sorry panic is not an excuse! why did he bring the child home just bring him back to his parents immediately or drop him off. Secondly, the posters about him missing were not posted until the next afternoon, so he could have let him out that night.Everything is min hashamyin and the family should be comforted.

  • Enough is Enough

    He should of called shomrim that there is a boy that is lost. He deserves to be killed himself.

  • Psachya

    How naive to believe this murderer! When did he panicked exactly? He picked up Leiby at around 5. Shomrim wasn’t called till 7 and NYPD even later and the massive search etc even later, mainly the next day. So when did he panic??? He took Leiby to his appartment to help him find his way home?! Called his parents?! Called Shomrim or the police that he has with him a lost child?? And then he went to Monsey for a wedding (confirmed by now that the Rotzeach was there). Where was Leiby then? Either he killed him already before going there, or he gagged him and tied him up for later. All this was done out of panic?? What lame excuse. That that he says that, who cares what he says, but that a commenter could have the nerve to believe him hook and sinker is just unreal.

    Perhaps he dismembered him out of panic?? All mumchim agree that it is extremely unlikely that this is his first korban. He did it way too professional for a first timer, so no panic here either…

    Use your brain before posting comments next time.

  • lawyer???

    He has a lawyer??? that his family hired???

    what self respecting lawyer would agree to represent this guy????

  • DTorres

    Levi Aron looked so normal.
    Looking at Levi Aron’s photograph,
    wearing a cap, in a suit
    and tie, he looked very nice.
    Nothing about Levi Aron’s
    appearance indicated that there
    was a potential for something
    this horrific.

    It is such a horrible tragedy.