In a 20 minute Press TV interview, Rabbi Dovid Feldman of Jews United Against Zionism offers his views on Zionism and Israel. Rabbi Feldman is on a visit this week in Iran.

Neturei Karta: Israel Was Founded Through Terrorism

In a 20 minute Press TV interview, Rabbi Dovid Feldman of Jews United Against Zionism offers his views on Zionism and Israel. Rabbi Feldman is on a visit this week in Iran.



    phony crackpots only a phony site such as this gives credence etc. to these nuts

  • You Tzadik In Pelts

    It is because a Meshumod like you (rabbi Feldman) that Moshiach is not coming.
    Go back to Hungary and live there.You have shaken the hand of Amolek. It’s worse than the one of a NEKAVOH. Who died and put you in charge?
    Did your family suffer in the Shoa? Are you for real?
    You are in a minority! Do you daven every morning saying Vehavieinu letzion Ircho?
    You mamzer ben mamzeirim. Go to hell. You always stay in Gehinom.
    Eretz yisroel was not created by Herzel, a lot a good frum Yidden live there and daven there. Did you forget the churban from Hevron when it was still called Palestine and the Arab terrorist killed all the Yeshiva Bocherim for no reason in 1924?
    What is your answer to that, you Menuval.
    You do not want to live in Eretz Yisroel go find your self a place in Aza.
    No you live in the USA and I bet not even working enjoying all the Gneiveshe accommodations from our taxes. Shame on you whoever you are not a YID.

  • rrr

    he must have Borderline Personality Disorder in psychological terms, and just plainly evil al pi Toirah. HaShem Yishmorenu

  • the man is right

    Before judging him with your pre conceived notions, just listen to what he is saying and please tell me what’s wrong with what he is saying according to the Torah.
    My only problem with what he is doing is that he is on Iranian TV who are not just anti Zionist but are anti Semitic, apart from that there is nothing wrong with what he is saying.

  • Foot in your mouth

    Raboisai, before you make such statements, let us recall that CHABAD HAS ALWAYS BEEN AGAINST ZIONISM, THE REBBE WAS VERY CLEAR ABOUT THIS!

  • dovi

    i had to stop watchin 2 minutes in it made me sick one things forsure this feldman is a goy there is no way he is jewish

  • EF

    The point isn’t that he’s against Zionism, that can be forgiven. The problem here is his audience and his sucking up to a sworn enemy of Israel and yes, of Jews too. For that, yimach shmoi v’zichroi, l’onetzach.

  • bitter golus

    Maybe he is a gilgul from one of the meraglim that spoke against Eretz Yisroel. Moshiach come fast and solve everything!

  • Yentie Rivnick

    What is wrong with this retard? people are getting killed, does he not see that. how could he justify the innocent killing of Jews regardless of their commitment to religion!!!

  • Alb

    At the end the Iranian interprate what this neturei karta guy is saying as fear of terror “dos you think that the terror is working, to use this idiot becouse he dresses Jewish and lookes representable to the naked eye. As far as the iranian reffering to israels nuclear plant in effert again to lie to the public, and create more vilonce, the neturei karta guy just went on to talk about defense and raising attention. (I have seen a lot dumber ”chassidim” embarrass the Jewish family way beyond just talking about the state of israel)

  • listen to every word...

    put the seek at three minutes and thirty seconds and listen to what the interviewer says….
    if that’s really the case, then think about who those are that are destroying “holy Palestine” on a daily basis. if not destroying the land is one of the Muslim beliefs then why are there rockets being shot into the place on a daily basis??????

  • Alb

    At the end the Iranian interprate what this neturei karta guy is saying as fear of terror “dos you think that the terror is working, to use this idiot becouse he dresses Jewish and lookes representable to the naked eye. As far as the iranian reffering to israels nuclear plant in effert again to lie to the public, and create more vilonce, the neturei karta guy just went on to talk about defense and raising attention. (I have seen a lot dumber Yolis embarrass the Jewish family way beyond just talking about the state of israel)
    And forther chabad is does not in any way condone zoinism however we are the ones who look out and protect our brothers no matter where they might be, as well as in the land of Israel, and this idiot in Iran is not helping that. Mr Felman of neturei karta is just representing his owen personal insecurity

  • Proud Jew

    Yes number, 6, 11, and 12. The state of israel – bad. But the land and further the family of the Jewish people who are to to disrespect with you should be condemned retarded philosophy.

  • Jules Dickinson (nee.Rowan)

    One thing is clear.’Jews United Against Zionism’ have one ‘AGENDA’.No doubt every jew,be he/her’secular or religous,have their ‘AGENDA’…Something is missing here,in this whole debate.The bottom line is,Iran & the like are not just intent on wiping out ‘Eretz Israel including every single Jewish Community that they can reach’…but intent on the total disstruction of Jews and all of their communities,wherever they are.That fact of the matter is,Judaism is Israel & visa versa.You cannot have one without the other.This has nothing to do with Zionism.When will some people wake up.

  • Joseph/Cozumel (not religious, but....)

    Any person that stands up against a Jew just for being Jewish should be whipped of the face of this earth. But truth being told Rabbi Feldman is saying the truth about Jewish law, and also the Holy Land has become a small America in the secular world. Many of us love Israel as a comfort zone, and others from the teachings of being “the promised land”. Only the final redemption of the third temple will the land of Israel become a true Jewish state by God’s will. I am also convinced that our last 7th Rebbe Shilta was more concerned about putting Jewish life danger with Israel’s surrounding enemies. Israel will always be a land of controversy, and most likely little will change while still in exile. As a fact Lubavitch never accepted a state of Israel based on non religious democracy, and again it was more about keeping our Klal Yesroel safe from our enemies! Keep in mind the same we can make a chilel Hashem in the street, is the same way many religious Rabbi’s are afraid of making a chilel Hashem in the worlds eyes.

  • Watch YOUR mouths!

    And he blames the Holocaust on non-Frum Jews & doesn’t care about 6 million murders.

    Did the Rebbe do that? I don’t think so.

  • ben dover

    although i was shocked when i heard this theory before i am still ammazed to hear this 20 something yrs later. ref: #20

  • Ku Klutz Karta

    This letz is looking for attention.

    Please do not give him any.

    The Ku Klutz Karta is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. First you had the guy in Vienna who did tshuva. He was such a faker that he was funny. I used to watch his videos on Nitel Nacht.

    Then you had Srool-Doovid “Scheiss” Weiss, a rich kid who never grew up and who has a yerusha that gives him lots of time to play. At least the Scheiss-ter speaks proper English and has a memorable, if ludicrous, appearance and voice.

    Now they have this sewer rat. I guess Fetter Mahmoudele is suffering because of the sanctions, so the Iranians had to pay this third-rate actor below-union scale to appear this time.

    If these guys had musical talent, they’d be third-rate wannabe badchonim, the kind that put out one album and then disappear. Instead, they’re getting thrills from all the negative attention they garner from the frum world.

    Please don’t give this letz any more coverage!

  • Andrea Schonberger

    What can I say except that Rabbi Feldman is entitled to his opinion just like anyone else. Other people may not agree with him but that is no excuse for name calling. I will admit that appearing on Iranian television news doesn’t help his cause any given the fact that Iran has missiles target at Israel. He should exercise more discretion in the future.

  • mezeh

    The Rebbe always praised the soldiers of Israeli Army for their great sacrafice and bravery and that they defended the land of Israel and its people.
    He also said when they were in the middle of the war that they should continue until Damascus and that no land that Jewish blood had been spilt- cv“ on should be returned.
    Mr Feldman is a misguided arab lover and would be happy to see c”v acts of violence -which they lend their support to by the way,- to people like ARAFAT AND OTHERS THAT HAVE THE BLOOD OF INNOCENT YIDDEN ON THEIR HANDS, BY KISSING AND HUGGING SUCH WICKED PEOPLE.
    Anyone who supports terrosist is a terrorist and if these people stand with the Arabs – let the state of ISRAEL deport them and refuse to allow them funding of any kind or the right to live there. There’s plenty of place in ramamllah for them or Iran.
    Some of these misguided individuals have even gone as far as to become muslims. This should show you just how far gone they are.

  • From a loving Yid

    If you are afraid of the Zionist country because you are a Jew, do something about it.
    Take in a nonfrum yid and teach him torah. Oop Sorry !This we leave for Chabad. Do not go badmouth Am Yisroel. Afilu im choto hu Yisroel hu. Use your energy to save a Yidishe Neshomo. Why is it easier to speak to the Devil instead of helping. Hamatzil nefesh achas Beyisroel keilu hitzil olom molei

  • Yid

    It all boils down to yidden being nispoel from the goyim.

    What are the liberals going to say? Lets show them that we are just like them: We stand with the poor palastinan children!

    But what this Karta guy fails to realize is that ajmajinidad and his liberal friends will one day turn around and bite him in the behind. Pirki Avos teaches not to get too close to those in power cause they will not be there for you in your time of need. But you know who will? That shmuk Zionist you always hated (I’m not saying that Zionists were saints – they’ve done their share harm and grief to their own people). But it is those very Zionists who will be there for you when no one else will.

  • to 6, 7 and likewise

    you are living in the past.
    The issue today is not zionism- it is safety of 4 million Jews in Eretz Yisroel. the Rebbe also knew of the previous Rebbes but the status is no longer zionism issue, sibnce all teh founders and also their shita is not effective as it was in the past.
    When someone who shakes such the hands, it is very doubtlful about his origins.kol haposel bmumo posel

  • All are Yidden

    Hitler didn’t separate Zionists and non Zionists in Auschwitz. All Jews were sent R”L to the gas chambers.
    True the Rabbaim were against Zionism BUT unlike others they treated and till this day look at them as Yidden first and foremost. This so called Rabbi with his peyos is no holier then a Zionist. Basically this whole interview and the Neturei Karta is a chillul Hashem. These interviews and demonstrations put yidden in danger

  • rs

    chabad was not anti zionist in a way like this mumers that put yidden in a dangerous situation

  • anonymous

    The Rebbe was against the state of israel and zionisim (not zionists)but once the state was there the Rebbe said to protect it and that you’re not allowed to give away an inch of land.This guy is totally sick to be sitting with arabs yemach shemom. This guy is not only against zionisim they hate jews in general. Muslims are not a peaceful nation they want to kill that’s why we associate arabs with terrorists!This guy is disgustingly sick he really needs help!

  • a real chabadnik

    the points he made are clearly and simply true. see the introduction to kuntres umaayon for further reading on the topic.
    BUT what hes doing is immature and dangarous.

  • Pickuach Nefesh overrides- Chosid Shoita

    The issue is what saves Jewish lives. If Israel would put down their arms …. Chas Visholom. The rebbe said just talk like this puts many in danger.

    Head Chosid Shoita = Alowing many jews to be killed because their founders were not religous.

  • what?

    its only a mater of time before we hear all about this guys “shlo kedarko”

  • Yehuda Venice beach

    This is missing a lot of information, What does the bible say about Self defense and arabs cutting up Jewish children in the Orange groves, Religious jews Helped fight, as the bible says Thou Shall NOT stand Idle by thy Brothers Blood

  • avrum montreal

    This is the biggest chilul Hashem Ever in our History
    why should we and our kids hear such ABOMINATION?

  • Yid

    There is one good that can come from it. He makes reference many times in the interview to “the Almighty.” At least sheve mitzvoes he’s preaching

  • Ku Klutz Karta

    its only a mater of time before we hear all about this guys “shlo kedarko”

    He came straight out of the end of a sick, undernourished ferd, which means that he was conceived shelo kedarko!!!

  • Bunch of Meshugginas

    Bunch of meshugginas that no one takes seriously, except maybe the sonei yisroel, may Hashem take revenge for all the Jewish blood spilled…

  • Some one who is normal .

    If you ask one of them what zionis is they will tell you one thing then ask another one what zionis is and they will tell you the oppsit…

    …They’s people should not be alowd in to any shull or jewish shop because they are not jewish.