Another day and a new character shows up at 770. A reader sent us in this video, taken with his mobile phone, of the latest one to show up and preach his new message – the end of the Talmud. Police got involved and sent the man, who was dressed in a blue robe and cotton tzitzis, on his way after a crowd gathered and got loud.

Video: Deranged Man Entertains Crowd by 770

Another day and a new character shows up at 770. A reader sent us in this video, taken with his mobile phone, of the latest one to show up and preach his new message – the end of the Talmud. Police got involved and sent the man, who was dressed in a blue robe and cotton tzitzis, on his way after a crowd gathered and got loud.


  • Snick

    And this is news….why? Big deal, someone is sick and needs some compassion, not to be harassed, mocked, called deranged, videotaped, and displayed for the world to see. We are supposed to be merciful, so how about displaying that side?

  • Binyamin Eliyahu

    Being that 2morow is Purim katan so he is all dressed up & doing the purim kind of things. However its purim Katan lets see what he could come up with 4 Purim Gadol. The point is its so hashgacha pratit that he performed 2day which is erev purim katan after mincha we don’t say tachnun.

  • Not sure who is actually crazier...

    The saddest part of the whole thing is, that there are so many ppl who actually have time to listen to the meshuganeh.

  • Gimpel fin G-bildink.

    LOL who mentioned G-building? He is way behind the times – the meshiggeners have moved up to the letter R.

  • Bitul Z-man

    This individual may simply be on a spiritual journey. He seems to be cognitively aware of his surroundings. Just because one is passionate about his/her convictions, he/she does not fall into any diagnosis.
    Additionaly, I agree with the sentiment that it is disrespectful towards this person to make mokery of him. Do you think he would want to consider our message?
    Besides, videoing this person warrants a potential lawsuit.
    I think the functionality of the Chassidim who chose to spend 5 minutes of their time jeering and taunting him needs some evaluation… I wonder what they do for a living, or do they?

  • S C

    why did they give this guy the time of the day. If everybody would have ignored him he would have gone away. Its a proven and very logical technique. Once the people in the video were talking to him you were giving him what he wanted!!! (which is for people to make fun of him and get in arguments about his cause) Well lets just hope others will not follow!

  • He doesn-t have Smicha

    Does he have Smicha? He seems to be great candidate to run for Rav of the Crown Heights Beis din!.

  • get the man some risperidone STAT!

    schitzoaffective disorder, manic type. Boom.diagnosis complete.


    I TOTALLY AGREE… But sadly if everyone had a job then food stamps wouldn’t exist anymore!

  • TheSource

    I have met this individual before and he is NOT Jewish and is out of his mind.
    On previous occasions he told me that he is both The Cohen Gadol, and Melech Hamoshiach.

  • happy

    hes not new. and their is also a black man that gos to show how anyone can walk into 770.

  • Yitzchak Mordechai

    Yes I agree y listen 2 these crazy individuals. #1 its not nice 2 make fun of ppl & the Torah teaches us otherwise. If he really needs help don’t laugh @ him, help him out with something or get him some help. #2 if you have so much free time on your hands 2 actually listen 2 this dude there is also a big issue that by itself. if your a bachur in 770 then go learn if your stam a yungerman or middle aged what the hell r u doing listening 2 him go 2 work damn it.

  • A little concerned

    such people should be kept an eye on,
    i mean security issues, vehamayvin yovin.
    it’s good the police felt that a little.

    al tiftach pe
    but people can pose as meshugoim in order to be somewhere where they do’nt belong


    In two weeks he will be wearing a yechi Yarmulka, and will be a Mashpiah in some mishechistishe yehivah

  • to #12

    are you a psychiatrist, because dont diagnose him otherwise! He is NOT scitzophrenic as he could hold a conversation with others. Dont say things that are not true ans you dont know what you are talking about.

    everyone else…LEAVE HIM ALONE! he may be strange but he is still a human being. he deserves our respect.

  • to Levi

    What kind of job do you have that you don’t even know how to spell the word ‘bored’?