Mrs Goldie Plotkin delivers keynote address at the International Conference of Shluchos 2011

Video: Mrs. Goldie Plotkin Delivers Kinus Keynote

Mrs Goldie Plotkin delivers keynote address at the International Conference of Shluchos 2011


  • A Chasid thinks...

    The best speaker of the Banquet was R Krinsky – notteh most charismatic- but the content was on target. Stories that imparted a true hergesh for the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin – this is what inspires Shluchim/ous when they return home.

  • emes!

    #2 – I whole heartedly agree…no drama, no screaming, just real humble talk with a real message…emes!! ah! a grateful shlucha who was there

  • He was boring

    To no. 2 4 I was there to… – like, hello? are you serious? LOL!He was so boring everyone fell asleep…