There wasn't a single person who was not moved to tears when young Shliach Moshe Cohen of Manchester, UK whose mother Esty Cohen (nee Rubin) passed away just a month ago, delivered his Dvar Torah. The crowd gave Moshe a standing ovation as he said “my mother is proud that I am carrying on my Shlichus, with a smile just as she taught me”.

Video: The Speech that Moved Everyone to Tears

There wasn’t a single person who was not moved to tears when young Shliach Moshe Cohen of Manchester, UK whose mother Esty Cohen (nee Rubin) passed away just a month ago, delivered his Dvar Torah. The crowd gave Moshe a standing ovation as he said “my mother is proud that I am carrying on my Shlichus, with a smile just as she taught me”.

Excerpt from the DVD – The Banquet, International Conference of Chabad Lubavitch Shluchim

Purchase the DVD here


  • I know my eyes weren-t dry

    What a fantastic strong Yingeleh. May his mother’s Neshoma have many aliyos from this wonderful child and all her children.

  • shlucha

    So young and so brave, Moshe. You are years younger than me, but you have taught me so much within a few short minutes. May Hashem continue to give you and your family strength and only happiness from hereon. You are a true example of a soldier in Rebbe’s army.

  • beautiful neshama

    WOW Moshe is an amazing speaker-he has a GREAT talent! How old is this young shliach?

    I have tears in my eyes as I watch how his father holds him so tightly the last few seconds of the video.

    With Moshe’s help we will bring Moshiach!!!!!!

  • from london wrote

    I had tears in my eyes all through and now again and every time i think about. And all the other tragedies. It must be a call to action for more action on ourside. We need to finish polishing the buttons. Moshiach now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • composure

    so many people i spoke to say that the only one in the room of over 4500 people who kept his composure throughout the entire speech was moishe himself.