TALLAHASSEE, FL [CHI] — Shliach to Florida's capitol, Rabbi Schneur Zalman Oirechman delivered a prayer at the Florida House of Representatives this past Thursday, May 7th. He was invited by representative Franklin Sands.

Video – Shliach Opens Florida House Session with Prayer

TALLAHASSEE, FL [CHI] — Shliach to Florida’s capitol, Rabbi Schneur Zalman Oirechman delivered a prayer at the Florida House of Representatives this past Thursday, May 7th. He was invited by representative Franklin Sands.

Almighty G-d, Light of the Universe:

G-d of the heavens, Master of this world, bestow Your favor upon the members of this honorable body as they gather here to devise just laws, with firm knowledge that You are the ultimate Ruler of all.

Bless these distinguished individuals, chosen by the people who trust them to make laws for the benefit of all the people of our beloved state.

Tonight, on the Jewish Calendar, is the 14th day of the month of Iyar, which is the biblical holiday of the “Second Passover”.

When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, this day served as a “second chance” for those who were unable to bring the Passover offering on the eve of the “first” Passover one month earlier.

My personal mentor, Rabbi Menachem Schneersohn, the renowned Lubavitcher Rebbe, a spiritual leader for Jews and gentiles, explained the eternal significance of the Second Passover:

If we have failed, there is always one more chance to do better. Even if a person fails, that failure can be fixed by taking advantage of the second chance.

A-lmighty G-d, we gather here to perfect Your world and improve the lives of the citizens of our state. Give us the strength to recognize our shortcomings and to resolve to act swiftly to further our vital mission.

On this spring holiday of the Second Passover, may the struggles of our state representatives bear fruit as they till the soil of our economy.

May the hard work of our representatives cause better times to take root so that the State of Florida will flourish and grow.

A-lmighty G-d, in the spirit of the Second Passover, the Festival of Freedom, grant us all a “Second Chance” to experience freedom from the obstacles that make it hard for some to provide for them and their their families.

Make us strong so we can stand up to personal and political challenges and make this world a better place.

Almighty G-d: May the Passover spirit inspire us all, once again, to pass over and overcome all stumbling blocks, reaching ever-greater heights.

May we merit the coming of The redemption, true peace, prosperity and security by increasing in goodness and kindness, and may we all say, Amen.