by Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Jax, Florida

Shemot: Jewish anti-semitism is far more sinister than we would like to believe. Western campuses are crawling with Jewish anti-semites, many of which are tenured professors. These self-haters are at the forefront of most every smear campaign against the Jewish creed and the Jewish land. They play a leading role in the campaigns to boycott and “Divest” from Israel.

SELF-HATRED: Overcoming The Exile Mentality

by Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Jax, Florida

Shemot: Jewish anti-semitism is far more sinister than we would like to believe. Western campuses are crawling with Jewish anti-semites, many of which are tenured professors. These self-haters are at the forefront of most every smear campaign against the Jewish creed and the Jewish land. They play a leading role in the campaigns to boycott and “Divest” from Israel.


  • josh

    So sad yet true, these choleras are in our midst.
    I was driving, last Sunday with a Satmar passenger in my car, an old family acquaintance and she kept on harping that ‘Israel should go under’. I told her to refrain from saying such utter stupidity in my car, when she wouldn’t stop, I pulled over to the side of the highway and warned her, one more word of your anti Israel nonsense and out you go. Only then did she stop.

  • Yanover

    interesting. though the first half of the articlehas little to do seemingly, with the rest on the parsha. I fail to see the connection.

    the article also borders on the fallacy that antizionism is antisemitic. antizionism is a mitzvah, and cant be antisimitic.

  • Andrea Schonberger

    First off, Israel is not a perfect nation; no nation is. Israel, like all nations, have their good along with problems and issues that they have to work on. I will maintain that if a person is not an Israeli citizen that person has no business publically criticizing Israel–since I’m an American I can forget the criticizing. I don’t live there so what do I really know about Israel, right? There’s alot of propaganda out there, both right and left, and the majority is probably junk. We should concentrate on the actual facts and try to downplay the emotionalism and religiousity. For example: Chaim Weizmann did make that statement to the New Judea magazine in 1937–but long before the first Jewish extermination camps began operating in 1942 and even before Kristalnacht in 1938. Why are the dates important? Because, unless Weizmann could predict the future, he couldn’t have forseen the millions that would be murdered; perhaps the statement was a metaphor–I’m not Weizmann’s biographer. On an emotional level it’s very easy to blame Weizmann but when you really think about the situation in an analytical manner, and I admit it is difficult, there was very little he could have done to prevent or alleviate the Holocaust.

  • Frierdeker Rebbe Antisemote?

    To 1:

    Does that mean that the Frierdeker Lubavitcher Rebbe was a self-hater? He, like most of the Rebbes at the time was vehemently against the creation of Israel. “They exchanged Moshiach for a candy.” You cannot deny that, according to the three oaths imposed on us when we were forced into exile, Israel is a real shayla (question of legitimacy). So, if your Satmar friend wants to hold by the Shitta of R. Teitelbaum (or the fifth and sixth Lubavitcher Rebbes), ZT”L, nothing anti-semitic about that.
    However, I would say that the Satmar Rav was kind of unrealistic, when he said that Israel should be dismantled in a way that no-one gets hurt. How is that possible unless you are relying on Nissim?

  • To #3

    The extermination camps were already operating, on a small scale, with Dachau being established in 1933. This sentiment of Weizmann was a deep seated belief, as they believed the future of the Jewish people did not lie in the hands of he Orthocos, and was expressed throught the war (and afterwards) by various Zionists, such as Yitzchak Greenbaum and David Ben Gurion.

  • To #1

    Actually, much of the Satmar Rav’s Shita is based on the Shita of the Rebbe Rashab, as quoted numerous times throught his seforim. Once the State was established, there were various opinions how to deal with it.

  • No contrdiction

    There appears to be a distinct difference between the internal religious Jewish debate over Israel’s statehood, which is based on Torah concerns and differences of opinion and that of your secular Jew, or gentile, whose opposition and criticism of Israel’s existence, which is not usually based on high minded ideals, but rather blatant hate and anti-semitism.

  • Andrea Schonberger

    Dear #7, What I meant by extermination camps were the camps whose sole purpose was for the murder of Jews, like Auschwitz and Treblinka. You are correct about Dachau but I believe that in 1933 it was primarily a concentration camp for political opponents and only later on did it become an extermination camp. Help me out if I’m wrong–I’m not a professional historian

  • Non Zionist - Anti-NK

    A Satmarer chossid who wishes for a peaceful dismantlement of the state of Israel wants that to save the lives of Jews, not because he likes Arabs or wants to see Jews suffer.

    The state of Israel, a secular state on holy soil, is like a loaf of bread on a seder plate. As long as it can neither win a decisive victory and stand proud, nor make a decisive peace, it is a rodef that threatens the lives of Jews within its borders and outside of them.

    NK is another story. The lunatics who call themselves NK want to get attention and they meet with murderers…but then again that is what Rabin of less than blessed memory, and Peres of less than blessed existence did.

    With America now appeasing Muslims, I do not believe the secular state of Israel has much time left. I only hope that it is dismantled peacefully and not by other means if that is its fate.

  • Non Zionist - Anti-NK

    I will maintain that if a person is not an Israeli citizen that person has no business publically criticizing Israel–since I’m an American I can forget the criticizing. I don’t live there so what do I really know about Israel, right?

    Wrong. Your taxes support the state of Israel. You have every right to criticize a state that sucks up your money. In addition, the actions of that state jeopardize the lives of Jews throughout the world. All Americans and all Jews have the right to criticize the state of Israel, and to call for its complete overhaul or dismantlement if it cannot get its act together.

  • Non Zionist - Anti-NK

    jkf, I speak the uncomfortable truth. The state of Israel is a social, moral, political, and economic failure, its propaganda machine notwithstanding.

    Ha’aretz reports 40% of its Jews are considering emigration.

    We Jews abroad should be prepared to welcome our wayward brothers when the failed experiment of a secular state on holy soil unravels. Then, there will be no more “Israelis,” only Jews.

  • Non Zionist - Anti-NK

    It is said in the name of Rav Chaim Volzhiner: “If the Jew doesn’t make Kiddush (the benediction proclaiming the onset and sanctification of Shabbos and holidays) the gentile makes Havdalah

    Keep in mind that the secular state of Israel is not saying kiddush. It wishes to be like all the other states of the world and to turn the Jews into a people like all other peoples. Tel Aviv, the city that embodies the dream of the founders of that state, is a world toieva (m. zochor) capital, and it is New Sdoim in many other ways as well.

    Therefore, the world, including the very UN that let the state happen, is making havdalah on the state that does not want to distinguish itself bein Yisroel levein hoamim!

  • Vera Lucia Zeitune Ylvisaker

    I believe in Israel, I will fight for her. I am not religious but Israel is everything to me.
    I pray psalms for Israel everyday. I believe in Hashem
    In the Torah prophecies.
    G-D bless the Holyland of Israel.