Lag BaOmer Parade in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA — More than 4,000 men, women and children joined Chabad at Schneerson Square in Los Angeles. Pico Boulevard was closed between Doheny and Crest for Chabad’s massive Lag b’Omer Unity Street Fair and Concert. A project of “Chabad Youth Programs” of West Coast Chabad-Lubavitch, the festivities commenced at 11:00 am with a parade down Pico Boulevard that included flag-waving children, a real marching band and colorful parade floats built by local schools and organizations.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin, head of West Coast Chabad-Lubavitch, addressed the crowd. “Today we celebrate Jewish unity and our love for one another. Today we stand before our Rebbe at Schneerson Square and we celebrate our children, the Rebbe’s precious gems. We are confident that our acts of goodness and kindness, love and unity, will bring about the immediate redemption of the Jewish people.”

Lag b’Omer commemorates two key moments in Jewish history that happened in the First Century C.E.: on this date, the plague that killed Rabbi Akiba’s students ended, and also on this date, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, author of Zohah, passed away and asked that the event be marked by celebration. This holiday is now observed with festivals of unity.

Clowns and jugglers entertained the youngsters while older kids tested their skill climbing the rock wall and enjoying one of the many game booths. The petting zoo hosted a menagerie of animals for the kids as well as pony rides. A variety of exciting carnival rides provided fun for the entire family.

One of the highlights of the outdoor festival was a live concert by the world’s most popular Jewish children’s entertainers, Uncle Moishy and the Mitzvah Men. While spending the day building up an appetite, visitors enjoyed scrumptious kosher fare from one of the many food booths.


  • Hoisenkeit!

    Of course, the marching band was the greatest hit! Zalmy Dubinsky you rock the house!

  • dathuth

    introducing….the drummer of the century….Chaim Shneur Zalman HaKohen Dubinsky!!!!

  • An L.A.-er who had fun

    It was an amazing day of Achdus, all types of yiddin together having a wonderful time, big yasher koach to everyone who planned and helped out!!!

  • semicha la

    to the shluchim of yoec, you guys should be very proud of yourselves, you guys truly did an amzing job, keep up the great work!!

  • L.A. Resident

    Temimim Hashluchim, we all know who did the hard work here…
    You guys are amazing!
    L.A. has never seen such a beutiful parade before.
    keep up the great work!

  • LA person

    go rabbi mendel d. and his son!!!! thanks for helping to organize this!!

  • LA person

    great job Yossi Burston for making this all happen….it was an amazing event!!!!

  • Director of Media Sales Of Chabad of CA

    Dear Rabbi yossi burston
    Rabbi Chaim & And Rabbi yossi you look great!

  • RR

    Yossi Burston –
    You did a fantastic job! The pics look great and I heard it was amazing! I would not have expected anything less.

  • fully informed

    the whole parade is all thanks to all the very hard working talmidei hashluchim in yeshiva yoec Los angeles who did a fantastic job a special thanks to Mendel Levin, Levi Brook and ari wilchanski for are there hard work and of course all the bochurim from yeshiva who did an amazing job on the floats and the clowns it was outstanding and we are sure the rebbe has much nachs from the parade

  • a beverly hills

    LA was blessed on that day …it was the most “achdus” day that anash ever had during a peulah…hopefully its the first of many!!! rabbies cunin & duchman ..made it happen!!!!

  • Local Resident

    To Chabad of California, THe Shluchim and Temimim of YOEC Zal and Mesivta and to the Staff & talmidim of the 7rth and 8th grades of Cheder Menachem.

    Thank you for “Maching Doh 770”.

  • Kop Docktar

    I would have loved to see a photo of The Rosh (and The Roshette)- he’s the Torah leader of LA. Long Live The Rosh!!

  • Your proud mother

    Your float was beautiful! We are soo impressed with it! LA is so lucky to have you as one of their talmidei hashluchim. You guys never stop…
    We miss you here in Crown Heights but I’m soo proud of you and all the work you do!

  • shoime r.

    the clowns made the show it was so lebedick!!!!!!!!!!! you guys kept the people goi9ng!!!! keep it up
    especially shalom!!!!!!! the best clowm!!!!!!!!! and zalmy the best drum conductor!!!!!!!!!!!

  • BCHS

    ok so yoec made a very nice float but what about BAIS CHANA HIGH SCHOOL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  • behind the scenes

    sorry everyone, but the whole credit is only due to bochurim of yoec. Besides for being the only ones with a presentabe float, they ran the whole show. Give credit to where the credit is due.