Shliach Coordinates with Security and Media
Ahead of a visit by the Prime Ministers of India and Israel to the Nariman House – one of the sites of the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai – Shliach Rabbi Yisroel Kozlovsky is pictures coordinating with local security forces and briefing the media. Accompanying them on their visit will be Moishe Holtzberg, who is currently traveling to India to meet the delegation.
in the photos
it is so sad to see the poverty
it’s very visible in the photo………and yet they seem happy.
Might be that affluence is not always the road to happiness.
It’s nice to see the positive attention they are receiving.
Now we need to see all the media covering Moshiach’s arrival!!
The whole world watches one Chayol in Tzivois Hashem
Moshiach NOW