Pidyon HaBen on the Chanukah Telethon!

Photos by Chaim Perl

The Chanukah Telethon aired recently featured ‘a first’ on television, a Pidyon HaBen – the redemption of the [first born] son, for a 12 year old! Also honored were two Nassau County police officers who were killed in the line of duty.

“Just a few days ago, when the family called me on what they should do,’ said Rabbi Perl, Shliach to Mineola, NY and the Chanukah Telethon host,” I said no problem, it’s not too late, come share this mitzvah with our 12 million viewers on the upcoming Chanukah Telethon!” “In the merit of this Pidyon Habeyn, may we speedily merit Hashem’s redemption of all of us out of this golus!!”

The evening showcased special honors to Hurricane Sandy Survivors, First Responders and the dramatic moving story of Mitka Kalinski, a holocaust survivor who was the child slave to a Nazi.

The telethon also recognized the families of two Nassau County cops who were tragically killed, days apart, Police Officers Arthur Lopez and Joseph Olivieri. County Executive Edward Mangano, Major Chuck Kilbride and renowned health industry leaders Brad Markowitz, Michael New and Dr Mitchel Wolfson, took center stage for their support and friendship.

The Dancing Rabbis, first class entertainment, the Neshoma Ochestras, a latke eating contest, all made for the potpourri for an uplifting evening of support helping so many who have fallen between the cracks during these difficult times.