Doughnuts and Menoras Distributed Throughout Israel

For many people, Chanukah is their most favorite holiday. Families gather around the menorah, the beautiful glow of the candles shine on their faces, delicious latkes and donuts melt in their mouths, dreidel games go on for hours, children have a vacation from school.

But for many in Israel, with all the joy, something can be missing.

There are our brave Israeli soldiers in outposts on the front line, away from home. There are patients who are hospitalized suffering pain and loneliness. There are thousands of elderly people who are alone and who hope each day for a knock at their door that will bring with it companionship and happiness. And there are the families of terror victims who desperately need someone to bring the joy of the holiday into their lives.

As we have done for many years, this year too Chabad of Israel is fanning out across the country during the evening hours of Chanukah, bringing to families around the country the joy of Chanukah, with menorahs, dreidels, jelly doughnuts and company to light the candles with them.

Because a little bit of light can surely banish a lot of darkness!

The thunderous noise of rockets in the south is still ringing in the ears of so many people. Chabad of Israel is in the midst of our massive campaign that will bring instead light and joy to these families during the eight days of Chanukah

We are utilizing our network of 293 Chabad Houses throughout Israel to help in this massive undertaking, preparations for which began weeks ago. During Chanukah our staff and volunteers are illuminating hundreds of thousands of personal menorahs and thousands of public menorahs in city centers, army bases, nursing homes, medical centers, shopping malls and more. This includes our Israel Defense Forces soldiers and members of the security forces.

Containers loaded with Chanukah menorahs, dreidels and more have arrived in Kfar Chabad at the headquarters of Chabad of Israel. From there they are being distributed all over the country.

Special campaigns are also being launched to encourage Chabad families to join with the Chabad Houses and go out into the streets to help bring the light and joy of Chanukah to many people. They will participate in the public lightings and distribute Chanukah menorahs and doughnuts to those who come to these events.

“The Chanukah Operation is the biggest and most complex of all the operations we have for this year,” said Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak HaCohen Aharonov, who is the chairman of Chabad in Israel.

“This is a campaign which was very dear to the Rebbe. He expressed these feelings time and time again. There is a full week of activities, on an unparalleled scale. Shluchim and active teams visit IDF units, police, ambulance personnel, hospitals, prisoners and others. Thousands of giant menorahs are placed in city centers and communities, and thousands of menorahs are installed on vehicles. There is no one in the country who has not encountered the illuminating light of Chanukah brought by Chabad. ”

From all of us to all of you, A Freilichen Chanukah!!!

For many people, Chanukah is their most favorite holiday.

Families gather around the menorah, the beautiful glow of the candles shine on their faces, delicious latkes and donuts melt in their mouths, dreidel games go on for hours, children have a vacation from school.

But for many in Israel, with all the joy, something can be missing.

There are our brave Israeli soldiers in outposts on the front line, away from home. There are patients who are hospitalized suffering pain and loneliness. There are thousands of elderly people who are alone and who hope each day for a knock at their door that will bring with it companionship and happiness. And there are the families of terror victims who desperately need someone to bring the joy of the holiday into their lives.

As we have done for many years, this year too Chabad of Israel is fanning out across the country during the evening hours of Chanukah, bringing to families around the country the joy of Chanukah, with menorahs, dreidels, jelly doughnuts and company to light the candles with them.

Because a little bit of light can surely banish a lot of darkness!

The thunderous noise of rockets in the south is still ringing in the ears of so many people. Chabad of Israel is in the midst of our massive campaign that will bring instead light and joy to these families during the eight days of Chanukah

We are utilizing our network of 293 Chabad Houses throughout Israel to help in this massive undertaking, preparations for which began weeks ago. During Chanukah our staff and volunteers are illuminating hundreds of thousands of personal menorahs and thousands of public menorahs in city centers, army bases, nursing homes, medical centers, shopping malls and more. This includes our Israel Defense Forces soldiers and members of the security forces.

Containers loaded with Chanukah menorahs, dreidels and more have arrived in Kfar Chabad at the headquarters of Chabad of Israel. From there they are being distributed all over the country.

Special campaigns are also being launched to encourage Chabad families to join with the Chabad Houses and go out into the streets to help bring the light and joy of Chanukah to many people. They will participate in the public lightings and distribute Chanukah menorahs and doughnuts to those who come to these events.

“The Chanukah Operation is the biggest and most complex of all the operations we have for this year,” said Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Aharonov, who is the chairman of Chabad in Israel.

“This is a campaign which was very dear to the Rebbe. He expressed these feelings time and time again. There is a full week of activities, on an unparalleled scale. Shluchim and active teams visit IDF units, police, ambulance personnel, hospitals, prisoners and others. Thousands of giant menorahs are placed in city centers and communities, and thousands of menorahs are installed on vehicles. There is no one in the country who has not encountered the illuminating light of Chanukah brought by Chabad.”

One Comment

  • smile

    does this yya ever smile? be happy it is chanukdh and at leastsmile for these very young soldiers who are protecting our country……………..