600 Lawyers and Judges at Jewish Law Symposium

On Monday, September 10th , an overflow crowd of 600 attorneys and judges packed The Birchwood Manor in Whippany, NJ to attend Chabad of S.E. Morris County’s 6th Annual Jewish Law Symposium.

Steve Adubato, PhD, Emmy Award-winning PBS Anchor and author of “You Are The Brand,” moderated a lively and spirited discussion along with featured panelists: Stanley R. Chesler, U.S. District Judge; Michael Critchley Sr., Esq., nationally acclaimed Criminal Defense Attorney; and Rabbi Professor Michael J. Broyde, noted Talmudic Scholar and Professor of Law at Emory University.

The program was opened by Tanya N. Helfand of Helfand and Associates , and opening remarks were made by Rabbi Shalom Lubin, founder of the Jewish Law Symposium and Director of Chabad of S.E. Morris County, based in Madison, NJ.

The symposium was attended by attorneys and judges from all faiths and walks of life, and NY, NJ, and PA CLE Ethics Credits were provided.

“The turnout at this year’s Jewish Law Symposium was just phenomenal! Being able to discuss and examine the subject of “Winning at all Costs” from a legal perspective led to a most engaging and stimulating panel discussion,“ said Rabbi Shalom Lubin.

”Ethical dilemmas associated with topics of the lawyer and the media, cooperating witnesses, and sports bounties are often in the news, and are most relevant in the legal world today. Exploring the Talmud’s 2,000 year perspective on these issues proved to be a most thought provoking and worthwhile experience,” he said.


  • Awesome!!!

    This is the way to do mivtzoim.

    This is a much better way to spend your time and energy rather than pursuing hollow fame and puste accolades.

    This is what matters in the real world, as opposed to alma dshikra.

    Great going , hope that you have many chabad copycats.