Sukkos Joy Brought to Moscow’s Jewish Orphans

On Chol Hamoed Sukkos, the children housed and cared for by the Beis Chaya orphanage in Moscow were treated to a special Simchas Beis Hashoeva event.

The evening began with a special gathering with Rabbi Aharon Eliezer Tzeitlin of Tzfas, who shared interesting stories and uplifting words with the children.

The children then danced joyously in the courtyard, accompanied by lively music.

The evening concluded with festive meal in the Sukkah, accompanied by Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar.

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  • Zalmy Schapiro

    Rav Berl Lazer I want to tell you you should have a lot of successful of all you’re doing for Moscow Russia I saw all the pictures and I want to let you know you look really happy and I’m happy for you as well keep up the good work and keep smiling I would like to wish you and your family a happy and healthy sweet new year with lot of happiness and successful good luck