Chabad in Israel Upset Schools to Operate Lag Ba’omer

Chabad Shluchim in Israel are scratching their heads in bewilderment trying to figure out what to do after Israeli Education Minister Rabbi Shai Piron announced that public schools will not have a vacation day this year on Lag B’Omer – as was usually the case in the past.

For Chabad, the day is one of parades and celebration, permitting Shluchim throughout the country to reach out to many children in traditional and non-frum areas, as well as in frum areas in line with the instructions of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

The minister’s decision will make it much more difficult to reach the children attending the nation’s public schools, as they will not have a day off of school.

Piron decided to make the following day a vacation day, since children will be going to sleep late.

Chabad shluchim are still pondering what the day’s events will include and shluchim forums are being used to exchange ideas. One of the options being discussed is having parades inside the schools. Others suggest making the parades the following day, the day the children are off from school.