Chabad Delivers Toys to Montreal Special Children

Recently, Jack Hoziel, Reuven Lev, and Benjamin Haziza of Montreal Chabad-Chai Center’s Toys for a Smile program arrived at the Yaldei Child Development Center with a special surprise – boxes and boxes of toys!

Packed in the Chai Center by groups of volunteers, the toys brought smiles to the Yaldei children, who were thrilled to open packages containing an entire kitchen set, a creative easel theater, a Black and Decker toolkit and workshop, and much more!

“Every year we are overwhelmed by the generosity of Toys for a Smile,” said Alyssa Lautman, Clinical Supervisor at Yaldei. “All of our clients are working on expanding their play skills, so the addition of new toys is very important.”

“This was our 14th year presenting our Chanukah Toys for a Smile,” said Jack Hoziel, founder and director of Toys for a Smile. “It’s always fun to see the children’s faces when they realize what’s inside those boxes.”

“One mother called that same afternoon to say that her daughter loved the gift,” related Lautman. “She was so thrilled that her daughter could play with it independently and it was different from all of their other toys.”

Toys for a Smile delivered 1,800 toys this past Chanukah to children in various hospitals and institutions around the Montreal area.

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