Beginning the Festival of Lights, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today joined Jewish community leaders from across California for the 13th annual Chanukah celebration at the State Capitol. Participants in tonight’s ceremony included Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin, head of Chabad of California; Rabbi Mendy Cohen, director of Chabad of Sacramento and Academy award-winning actor Jon Voight.

Click Here to watch the webcast! (Archived)

Schwarzenegger to Participate in Annual Chanukah Celebration Today

Beginning the Festival of Lights, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today joined Jewish community leaders from across California for the 13th annual Chanukah celebration at the State Capitol. Participants in tonight’s ceremony included Rabbi Boruch Shlomo Cunin, head of Chabad of California; Rabbi Mendy Cohen, director of Chabad of Sacramento and Academy award-winning actor Jon Voight.

Click Here to watch the webcast! (Archived)

“The Chanukah menorah is a universal symbol of faith and hope that freedom wins out over oppression, light overpowers darkness and decency triumphs over destruction,” said Governor Schwarzenegger.

This year, members of Chabad’s Friendship Circle, a program matching teen volunteers and children with special needs, painted the Capitol Menorah. Eight local chapters of Chabad’s Friendship Circle from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Agoura, Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, Palo Alto, San Mateo, and Studio City attended the menorah lighting ceremony. In each chapter, the volunteers and special needs children painted their own branch of the Capitol Menorah designed by the Los Angeles artist Marc Lumer.

“Our celebration this year is made even more meaningful by the great Friendship Circle. Nothing makes me prouder than seeing young people make the world brighter for children who are less fortunate. Such loving and selfless acts bless and enrich all of us and they capture the true spirit of the holiday season,” said Governor Schwarzenegger.

With Chanukah music by the Sid Engel Orchestra playing, children from Chabad’s Friendship Circle joined the Governor and the Rabbis in the symbolic lighting of the Capitol Menorah.

The Capitol Menorah will be lit each of the eight nights of Chanukah, beginning December 15.

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