Darkness to Light: New Torah Dedicated in Kostroma

Hundreds of community members, guests and dignitaries, participated in the festive inauguration of the first new Torah scroll that was introduced into the Synagogue of Kostroma, Russia after more than 100 years.

The last letters of the Torah scroll were written in a special ceremony and continued with a colorful parade led by an army band to the community’s Synagogue.

After arriving at the hall, dancing and singing were held in honor of the new Torah scroll, and the event concluded with a festive meal that continued for many hours.

Kostrama occupies a dark place in Chabad history as the city to which the Frierdiker Rebbe was exiled, after his death sentence was commuted by the Bolsheviks.

Shluchim in the city are now working to overwrite that dark chapter of the city’s Jewish history with a bright one — a community infused with Torah and Judaism.

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