CTeeN’s Memorial Day Weekend with Chabad

Hi there. My name is Jacob and I would like to tell you what I did this past Memorial day weekend. On Sunday, I joined 75 fellow high school students for a fun filled day in New York City with the most amazing Rabbis I’ve ever met. The trip was arranged by CTeen- the Chabad network of teens worldwide- as part of their annual “feeling Jewish in the city”.

We started the day at Chabad of Midtown where we put on Tefillin and had a great breakfast. After that we headed to the Marriot Hotel in Times Square to snap some pictures from “The View” which had the greatest panoramic viewpoints in the city. Then we went to the South Street Sea Port for an exhilarating tour of the city aboard the wildest cruise in Manhattan on a speedboat called “The Shark”.

Just as were getting really hungry, one of the Rabbi’s announced that we were going to the Empire State Building to have lunch at Rosa’s Pizza! we had amazing authentic New York style pizza. I never knew kosher pizza tastes so good. Next stop was China town where we had a scavenger hunt that was set up by the Rabbis and based on the Ten Commandments. We also went bargain hunting up and down Canal street, where we would show off who got the coolest stuff later on in the evening.

I would say that one of the highlights of the day was over a Chinese buffet dinner where we got to meet professional boxing champ Yuri Forman who was really inspirational when he spoke to us about our connection to our Jewish heritage. The evening was wrapped up with awesome hypnosis show by “The great Ronnie Baras”.
As the night was coming to a close, my new friend Scott who came in all the way from California, blurted out “we can’t wait for next year”, which triggered everyone in the room to start clapping and yelling. I’d like to thank all the cool Rabbi’s who came along and gave us such a great time.
See you next year later,

CTeeN would like to thank all the Shluchim who were affiliated:
Rabbi David Lazar and Rabbi Dovid Leib Perelstein – Montreal
Rabbi Shuie Eliezrie and Rabbi Levi Blesovsky – Yorba Linda CA
Rabbi Mendy Kivman – Boston MA
Rabbi Mendy Lewis – Old Tappan NJ
Rabbi Avremel Blesofsky – Fanwood NJ
Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum – Gaithersburg MD
Rabbi Shmaya Krinsky – Hillsborough NJ
Rabbi Winner- Brighten beach NY

CTeeN would also like to thank:
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky
Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky
And the CTeeN staff:
Rabbi Beryl Frankel
Mendy Alevsky
Mendy Shanowitz
Mendel Perlstein

CTeeN is a devision of Merkos Leinyonei Chinuch.


  • shimon

    how r we mixing young teens together

    campus is one thing but here we are facilitating mixing

  • dovber

    what was jewish about this? good they pu on tefillin and ate kosher food, but it seems just a social trip to tour nyc. this is what chabad is doing? this is schlichus? i understand that shluchus is not always giving shirum, but this seems a bit off the mark

  • al tadin...ad shetagia lim-komo

    talk when you are out there doing shlichus yourself!
    You have no idea…rachmonus on you…

  • hello?!?!?!?!

    honestly, i don’t get you people anymore. no one has anything nice to say these days? it’s all about how there’s machlokes in anash with elections and stuff, and all the bad that’s happening to us, rachmona letzlan, is cuz of sinas chinom, and if only we’d all have more ahavas yisroel…. but look at you 3!! not a single nice thing to say!
    do you all want to know the entire schedule from A-Z??? you only know the things they did based on this article that one of the teenagers wrote! what exactly do you want them to do? learn with the kids? teach them maamorim? tell them halachos? it’s geared for teenagers! ever thought of that, or you’re only looking to say bad? and so what if it’s mixed? better the boys get a jewish girl friend that a goyte from public school!!!

  • A long time shliach!

    To Shimom:if you would know a little of what actual shlichus is you would find that teens are mixed all day so they might as well be co-ed with other jews so at least they shouldnt assimalate with non-jews!

  • Not from Crown Heights

    To Dovber:

    Do you live on Montgomery or Crown St.? Vedal!!!!!!

  • A caring shliach

    I would recommend you ask one of the shluchim who went on the trip. It seems they are very happy with all the tochen that was pumped into the kids without them even realizing it!!

    That is the way you have to do it with teens. Feed them yidishkeit in an exciting way, otherwise why would they even join the trip?

  • Yossel Yossefitich

    How dare you talk about your future donors and Chabad supporters like that! Shame on you… I hope they don’t see the comments on this website. Crownheights.info when are you going to censor certain comments!

  • Your Fans

    Mendy & Rochy Kivman are wonderful shluchim and their hard work pays off and you can see it on the faces of the teens that were inspired. Keep it up

  • an ex-teen

    This is a great thing! This is how I became frum, and now I am a Lubavitcher with a great Lubavitcher hubby and 4 great Lubavitcher kids. By going on co-ed trips to NY and learning about Judaism in a fun way, in my comfort zone. Kol hakavod to the shluchim who organized this, and made it such a success. Keep on doing what you are doing. You are helping to bring Moshiach.