Rebbetzin Chana
Machon Chana Hosts Vav Tishrei Webcast
Join Machon Chana online tonight at 7:00pm EST for an incredibly inspiring program of great men and women and their encounters with this great woman – Rebbetzin Chana – who has given birth and raised the Tzadik and leader of our generation!
The webcast will be live at 7:00pm at
Rabbi Shmuel Butman
Executive Director of LYO
Rebbitzen Sara Labkowski
Executive Director of Machon Chana
Rebbitzen Sara Katzman
Administrator of Machon Chana
Rabbi Michoel Seligson
Instructor at Machon Chana
Rabbi Levi Kaplan
Mashpia at Machon Chana
Rebbitzen Henya Laine
Crown Heights, Brooklyn
Rebbitzen Riva Junik
Antwerp, Belgium
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