Non-Kosher L’Pesach Product Slips Through the Cracks
A product that is not certified as kosher for Pesach was erroneously stocked on the shelves of The Marketplace’s Pesach store by a non-Jewish employee, CrownHeights.info has learned.
If you did your Pesach shopping this year at the marketplace, you may have purchased a product by Lieber’s called Chocolate Flavored Syrup.
Please be aware that this item is not, in fact, certified Kosher for Passover, and was mistakenly stocked on the store’s shelves by an unknowing employee.
It was removed this morning by the store’s management as soon as they became aware of the issue.
Incidents like this happen pretty much everywhere. Buyer beware!
Many products
There are MANY products in various stores that are NOT koshe l’pessach but are placed by non-jewish 9or even jewish) stock boys on shelves with pessach products. Check EACH product! Some are only kosher l’pessach or those who use KITNIYUS, some are GEBKOKTS and some are just kosher but NOT for prssach. BE CAREFUL!!!
I work in a grocery story and the management had me do the Pesach display. I double checked the products before putting them out. A co-worker said I was “being ridiculous by washing the shelves before placing the paper down and washing in between.”
He doesn’t know the laws but I so think more education should happen for market workers just the basics.