The Badatz of Crown Heights have released a comprehensive review of the Halachos of Tisha B'av for the benefit of the community, particularly the laws for when Tisha B'av begins on Motzei Shabbos, which is a relatively rare occurrence.

A Synopsis of the Halachos of Tisha B’av

The Badatz of Crown Heights have released a comprehensive review of the Halachos of Tisha B’av for the benefit of the community, particularly the laws for when Tisha B’av begins on Motzei Shabbos, which is a relatively rare occurrence.

From the desk of Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba

To Anas”h of Crown Heights, Hashem bless you all,

As this year, Tisha B’Av is a “Nidche” (postponed) – may it be “Nidche” completely!!

Throughout the 9 days:

* Siyum: It is customary to hear and take part in a ‘Siyum Maseches’ each day of the nine days (even on the radio – but we do not eat meat afterwards).
* Bris Mila: If there is a Bris or Pidyon Haben, we do eat meat.
* Tisha Beav shoes: If one does not have shoes for Tisha B’Av, it is permissible to buy then during the 9 day.
* A pregnant or nursing woman who finds it hard to fast should consult (a doctor ,and then) the Rov .Please do not wait until the last minute! (if the Rov gives a heter not to fast, discuss with him the laws pertaining to Havdolo: when & how etc.)

Erev Shabbos Chazon – Candle Lighting Time – 7:57:

* When preparing the food for shabbos, it is permissible to taste the fleishig foods to see if they taste good [but we do not partake of the food like every Friday to fulfill טועמי’ חיים זכו ].
* The fathers should not forget to bring the shoes for Tisha B’av to Shul before Shabbos. (if one forgot, see below in Motzoei Shabbos).

Shabbos Chazon:

* The famous Moshol (parable): It is a mitzva to publicize ,and especially in the name of the one who said it, the famous moshol of R’ Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev about Shabbos Chazon, with the father and son and the 3 suits. )See Likutei Sichos Shabbos Chazon – Volumes Beis, Tes, Chof Tes, Lamed Tes etc.)

Shabbos In the morning before Davening:

* Learning: We learn the Chumash and Tanya of Chitas, Rambam and Chapter 8 of Hilchos Beis Habechira. If one did not manage to do it before Shacharis, it is permissible (this year) to complete it until Shkiah.
* Krias Hatorah is read as usual ,i.e. the aliya of Sheni begins as regular from ‘Eicha”. I heard this from my (wife’s) grandfather, R’ Mordechai Shusterman who was the Baal Koreh in 770 and this is how he layend in the Rebbe’s Shul. (see the details in his sefer on page 138).
* Tehillim is said after davening as usual.

Shabbos after Chatzos (midday – 1:02):

* After Chatzos is it customary to learn things related to Tisha B’av, and Chassidus. There are quite a number of sichos, maamorim and farbregens from Tish’a Beav on Shabbos – [5741, 5748, 5751 and more].


* Earlier: Mincha should be scheduled earlier than usual, to give enough time to eat Seudah Shlishis.
* Tzidkascha is not recited.
* Pirkei Avos: (seemingly) we do not say Pirkei Avos.
* Eating: It is permissible to eat and drink the whole day even a meal that is fit for King Solomon, but only until Shkiah (sundown – 8:15). We do not eat Seudo Hamafsekes with the egg and ashes etc.
* Changing shoes: It is not permitted to prepare the shoes for tisha b’av, (or kinos) or to bring them to shul – until shabbos is over and “Boruch Hamavdil” is recited.

Motzaei Shabbos – 9:02:

* The Rebbe would come to Maariv with Tish’a Beav shoes and Shabbos clothing. Therefore:
* Maariv is davened a bit later so that everyone has enough time to say “ברוך המבדיל בין קודש לחול ”, change shoes etc.
* [In Shul, after saying ברוך המבדיל בין קודש לחול , the paroches is removed from the Aron Kodesh, the lights are dimmed etc.].
* Havdala candle: Women that remain at home, after they have davened maariv or said ברוך המבדיל , should bentch בורא
מאורי האש (but do not view their nails towards the candles) [or if the husband is at home before Maariv, he can say ברוך
המבדיל then בורא מאורי האש and then go to shul for Maariv]. The rest of Havdala is recited Sunday night.
* Low chair: From this point until tomorrow after Chatzos (midday), we sit on low chairs.
* Ato Chonantanu: In the Shemona Esrei, Ato Chonantanu is recited.
* Havdolo candle: After Shemona Esrei, (in Shul) a candle is lit and בורא מאורי האש is recited. The rest of Havdala is recited Sunday night.
* Eicha is recited.
* Vihi Noam: After Eicha we do not say Vihi Noam.
Reminders from the Crown Heights Beth Din for the 9 Days 5772 – תשע“ב
* Veato Kodosh: We say Veato Kodosh.
* Oleinu Leshabeach: then we say Oleinu Leshabeach.
* In 5751 the Rebbe distributed dollars after Maariv.

During the Evening:

* A Gutte Voch: We do not wish each other ‘a gutte voch’
* Netilas Yadaim (after using the washroom) is only until the knuckles.
* [Havdolo: anyone who received a Heter from a Rov that they do not have to fast, should make Havdala before eating (without Besamim) as discussed the details with the Rov].

Learning Torah:

* On Tisha Beav, The Rebbe Rasha”b would learn Midrash Eicha Rabba and the sugya of ‘Rabbi Yochanan’ in Perek Hanizokin (in Masechte Gittin).
* Chassidus: It is permissible to learn Chassidus (Pnimius Hatorah).
* Siyum: A siyum should be made on any of the Masechtos that are permitted to be learned on Tisha B’av.
* Story of the Heiliger Ruzshiner: it is proper to read the story of the heiliger Ruzshiner printed in Sefer Haminhogim on page 48.

Sunday Morning:

* Netilas Yodaim only till the knuckles.
* ”שעשה לי כל צרכי“ is not recited until tomorrow.
* Good morning: We do not wish each other good morning, good day etc.


1. We do not put on Tallis and Tefillin. 2. Tachanun is not said. 3. The tzitzis are not held at any point during davening. 4. (Chazan says Anenu and does not say Birchas Kohanim). 5 .Krias Hatora – and the third aliya is Maftir. (Half Kaddish. Haftorah. Yehalelu and return the sefer torah to the Aron). 6. Kinos. 7. We say Ashrei. We do not say למנצח..יענך . Then we say “”ובא לציון…אמר ה’ . and we skip ואני זאת בריתי… מעתה ועד עולם and then continue from ואתה קדוש . (Whole Kaddish without Tiskabel). 8. Aleinu. 9. Each person reads Eicha to himself.

After Chatzos (midday – 1:02):

* It is permissible to sit a regular chair.
* This year it permissible to learn the daily Rambam after Chazos.


* [In shul, before mincha, we roll back the Sefer Torah to Vayechal and return the Paroches to the Aron Kodesh.]
* 1. We put on the Tallis and Tefillin. 2. we say the 3 paragraphs of Shema; Shir Shel Yom; Ein k’elokeinu. 3. Tehilin and all Shiurim that belong to Shachris, such as Chitas. 4. Korbonos and Mincha, [Krias Hatorah and maftir]. 5. In shemonah Esrei we say Nacheim and Aneinu.
*If one forgot to say Nacheim: He should say it in Shema Koleinu after Aneinu. If he forgot there, he could say it before Vesechezeno. If he forgot there, he can say it before V’al Kulam. If he forgot completely, he doesn’t have to repeat the Shemone Esrei again.
If one forgot to say Aneinu: He should say it before the second ‘Yihiyu Lerotzon’ but should not say the Beracha at the end. If he forgot completely, he does’t have to repeat the Shemone Esrei again.
* [In Chazaras Hashatz, Birchas Kohanim is recited. Then Aleinu and Kaddish.]
* Rabbeinu Tam’s Tefillin are donned as usual. After “Vehoyo ki Yeviacho” we say the “Shesh Zechiros”.
* Tzedoko: In 5751 the Rebbe distributed dollars after Mincha.


* In 5751 the Rebbe said a Sicha and distributed dollars before Maariv.
* We daven Maariv as usual.
* After Maariv: 1. Change to regular shoes. 2. Wash your face. 3. Wash regular Netilas Yadayim (like in the mornings) without a Beracha. 4. Havdala without Besamim and a candle. Vayiten Lecha is not recited .5 .Kiddush Levana.
* Fast is over at 8:45.
* Women who cannot wait for their husband to come home should make Havdala for themselves and may drink before Havdala.
* At night, we do not eat meat or drink wine but it is permitted to cut hair and do laundry, take showers, listen to music etc.

May these days quickly turn into days of joy with the revelation of Moshiach Tzidkeinu immediately!


  • Milhouse

    “when Tisha B’av begins on Motzei Shabbos, which is a relatively rare occurrence.”

    What do you mean by “relatively rare”?! It occurs in nearly 40% of years.

  • Rare Kvius

    Milhouse, while you may be right that Tisha B’av can fallout on Sunday as often as 40% of years, still sometimes its a Nidche and sometimes its on the actual day, and the Halochos and some lenience’s are different between a regular year and a Nidche, and that doesn’t add up to 40%.

  • Rabbi Osdoba?

    ‘ I heard this from my (wife’s) grandfather, R’ Mordechai Shusterman’ since when is Rabbi Osdoba’s wife’s grandfather R. Shusterman ( she’s a Goldberg…)?
    Are you sure Rabbi Osdoba wrote this?

  • Milhouse

    #2, A tisha b’av that is nidcheh to Sunday is actually more common than it being on Sunday itself.

    And in any event, the article didn’t say nidcheh is rare (which would also not be true), it said having it on moztzei shabbos is rare, which is definitely not true.

  • Nidcheh

    Although this is a (relatively) common kevius, it has not occurred in the last 14 years (since 5758). This is presumably the intent of the article.

  • Fast time

    8:45 is a few minutes to early to be able to eat. The earliest opinion was 8:48. Maybe he meant to write Maariv. They should be more careful.

  • The writter

    It’s written by R’ Levi Garelik which is Rabbi Binyomin Kleins son in law which Rabbi Shusterman was his father in law.