Rabbi Fishel Jacobs announced that a new app for Family Purity is now available. “I've been involved in supervising the halachic development of this online program from its beginning, watching it grow into the largest taharas hamisphacha site,“ says Rabbi Jacobs. ”This is the one single greatest advancement of the Rebbe’s family purity campaign ever.”

New Mikvah App for iPhone and Android Released

Rabbi Fishel Jacobs announced that a new app for Family Purity is now available. “I’ve been involved in supervising the halachic development of this online program from its beginning, watching it grow into the largest taharas hamisphacha site,“ says Rabbi Jacobs. ”This is the one single greatest advancement of the Rebbe’s family purity campaign ever.”

The Apps allows users to update their calendars, view their upcoming important dates and histories, and more. It features a beautiful yet simple interface, designed to allow every Jewish couple to be able to easily use it — regardless of background.

The Android App: “Mikvah Calendar – All Customs” by MikvahCalendar.com can be found here. The iPhone App: “MikvahCalendar.com” can be found here.


Times & Dates Automatically Calculated & Explained
Ashkenazic, Sefardic, &Chabad Customs
Email & SMS Reminders
Ask the Rabbi
Estimated Ovulation Reminder
Print friendly format for personal records
Traveling to Cities in Different Time Zones
International Travel
Daylight Savings Time
Leap years
Mikvah night falls on an Anticipated Flow
Mikvah night falls on Yom Kippur or Tish’a B’av
A woman who had a successful Hefsek Tahara but then an unsuccessful
Internal Examination
English, Hebrew, French, Spanish


  • Rabbi Fishel Jacobs



    Comments such as number one, above, can be interpreted by the developers of the other online calendars as something other than respectful.

    I was asked to certify all these online calendars. Each has unique capabilities. The developers of ALL of these online calendars need to be praised. As I’ve noted elsewhere, I’ve got no vested interest in any of these.

    This program, in particular, has reached out to the largest Jewish audience to the greatest degree by incorporating all halachic schools of thought (Chabad, according to my seforim as well as Kitzur Dinei Tahara, Sefard, modern orthodox etc) as well as Hebrew, English, French, Spanish.

    All these online programs are respectful and deserve promoting.

    Rabbi Fishel Jacobs
    Kfar Chabad

  • Rochel B.

    I have been using this program (mivkahcalendar.com) for about 1 1/2 yrs. and it’s great! So easy and simple to use! I have told so many of my friends about it as well. Glad to see an app is available now as well!

  • MikvahCalendar.com Developers

    The Blackberry App is under development and IY”H will be available soon!

  • Shlucha

    This app is great for people who want something easy to use. I found the other online calendar too complicated to explain to someone who is not familiar with the halachos.

  • To rabbi Jacobs

    To Rabbi Jacobs,

    There is nothing wrong with getting paid for work done. There is something wrong with denying it as per your comment. Please clarify, do you get any financial assistance from this calendar?

  • In response to number 1

    What an immature way to respond! I have looked into both of the calendars and realized that both have different things to offer. Taharas Hamishpacha’s calendar caters to Lubavitch women and http://www.mikvahcalendar.com caters to aLubavitch minhagim as well as many others. I happen to find it easier to use and have been using it for a few months, but everyone has their own preferences. Isn’t the goal to help woman keep this special mitzvah? It seems like whoever you are is quite threatened by this post. Why react like that if you know you have a good product? makes me wonder…

  • anonymous

    Yasher Koach to Rabbi Jacobs. As a user very much appreciated.
    Is there a way it could work on other cellphone’s besides the iphone, blackberry’s and androids? I like using this application on my computer. It makes things alot easier and is very simple to use.

  • chaya - a calendar user

    I use the Taharas Hamishpocha calendar and am very happy with it. Its very clear, and easy to use. and in response to #10- your comment is very disrespectful…

  • Mathematician

    I have a PhD in mathematics. This was programmed with such precision. It blows my mind!

  • Good for miftzoyim

    I love this program! I have a friend from Spain whO I met on my travels and convinced her to use it as well, since the website can be translated into Spanish. Kol hakavod on this impressive Shlichus. Makes this mivtza so much easier to spread.

  • Proud to know you

    Whoo hoo!! Go Rivkah!!! We are so proud of you! The app looks beautiful!! Much continued Hatzlacha!

  • But why?

    To whoever is writing from taharas hamishpacha-grow up! You sound like a child! It is one thing to clarify that this website is your your own. It is another thing to use this ad as a marketing tool for yourself-AND to challenge R. Jacobs like that? I find your comments to be extremely distasteful and completely unprofessional.

  • CGI Michigan

    I’ve known Rivkah since CGI Michigan. Fantastic job! Keep up the awesome work!

  • confused.

    If I’m already using mymikvahcalendar online and want to use the above mentioned app on my iphone, will I end up with different dates and numbers and times and all of that?