Alta Mina Teichtel, OBM

Tonight, Keren Alta Mina will hold their annual gathering in memory of a Alta Mina Tiechtel.

Tonight: Gathering in Memory of Alta Mina Tiechtel

Alta Mina Teichtel, OBM

Tonight, Keren Alta Mina will hold their annual gathering in memory of a Alta Mina Tiechtel.

Alta Mina A”H was a lovely little girl whose short life permeated with joy. It is her living legacy that Keren Alta Mina perpetuates.

Keren Alta Mina is an organization in her memory, that brings happiness to families by providing baby and toddlers all needed baby furniture. Whether it is a crib to sleep in, or a carriage to stroll in, Keren Alta Mina is there to help.

Keren Alta Mina’s only support, is friends of the family and members of the community. It is an organiation funded by the people of Crown Heights, for the people of Crown Heights. The demand is much greater than the available funding.

Please join us tonight, Chof Beis Teves, January 17, as we remember Mina, and help countless families in our community.

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