The Roetter and Azoulay families invite all women and girls to come together for an evening of inspiration and a Siyum Mishnayos marking the shloshim of Mrs. Pesha Leah (nee Roetter) Azoulay OBM. A resident of Crown Heights, Pesha was tragically taken from us in a car accident, together with Avrohom Dovid Liberow OBM.

Shloshim of Mrs Pesha Leah (nee Roetter) Azoulay

The Roetter and Azoulay families invite all women and girls to come together for an evening of inspiration and a Siyum Mishnayos marking the shloshim of Mrs. Pesha Leah (nee Roetter) Azoulay OBM. A resident of Crown Heights, Pesha was tragically taken from us in a car accident, together with Avrohom Dovid Liberow OBM.

Thursday evening, ohr l’chof alef Shevat, February 4

8:00 pm SHARP!

Lubavitcher Yeshiva – 570 Crown Street (entrance on Albany Avenue)

Words of inspiration and chizuk by Rabbi Dr. Chaim Dovid Kagan, Monsey, NY, Rabbi Ilan Weinberg, Port Washington, NY, Mrs. Chanie Alperowitz, Bournemouth, UK .

The shloshim will also mark the renewal and rededication of the Crown Heights Sheitel Gmach, now renamed the Pesha Leah Sheitel G’mach.

Pesha Leah was known for her meticulousness and care for the mitzvah of tznius. The Pesha Leah Sheitel G’mach will IY”H perpetuate her name through a mitzvah she cared so much about.

To donate new or gently used sheitelach, label the bag ”g’mach’ and leave it on the doorknob of 667 Crown Street.

To donate a sheitel in Boro Park, please call 718-810-3861.

More information to follow IY”H.