From Days Gone By: Montreal Parade, 1980
Courtesy of Lubavitch Archives, we present this photo of students marching with signs at the Lag Ba’omer Parade of 1980 in Montreal, Canada. Can you identify anyone in the photo?
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A Montrealer
Rochel Rosenblum (Jaffee)& a Smetana girl (Mangel?)
Ruchie Smetana, Rochel Rosenblum, Rochel Leah Lazae (Shor)
Its RL lazar
Married Shur
Teacher in the back, left – Shaindy Rosenberg Shapiro
girls in picture
Rivky Plotkin Bogomilsky
Batya White
Orit Ben Tovim
Rochel RosenblumJaffee
Rochel Smetana Magalnic
Devorah Laya Schmukler Shanowitz
Rochel Leah
Anna Cohen
a Bais Rivka grad
Orit Ben Tovim
Rochel Rosenbloom Jaffee
Devorah Laya Schmukler Shanowitz
Rochie Smetana Magalnic
Rochel Leah Lazaar
Anna Cohen
Batya White