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Picture of the Day: Packed Like Sardines
A Chabad Shlucha in the Russian city of Nizhni Novgorod recently gave birth to a baby boy at a local hospital. When she went to pick up her baby from the hospital’s nursery, she was shocked to see how the babies were being kept.

she probly too the wrong one
Fellow shlucha in Russia
This picture is of the cart that is used to transport the babies to and from the nursery. In the nursery they each have separate cribs!
As against I am for home births, I’d sooner do that than have my baby treated like this
Oh Baby!
Looks kinda cozy.
the russians
seem to know something we don’t know by being surrounded by other babies the babies seem happy
under tight wraps
notice how tightly they’re wrapped – can’t move any limbs in there. trying to fit them into the mold since the very birth!
To #5
The second one on the left looks like he is crying
better get PETA over there quick..
this is what they complain about with the chickens
oh.. but humans don’t matter .. I forgot.. chickens are their concern.
would be nice if PETA would go there though.. they’d
know how to deal with these misfits.
calm down
1 crying out of 13
to #7. I’d say the babies were happy.
They look absolutely fine except for the crying one. It is sad that they dont stay with the mother the whole time. At least they have warmth and close human contact with other babies. Better than lying there all alone with no closeness to anyone. Babies love being wrapped, its like being in the womb.
to #7
1 in 16 crying, common.
Yes, in Russia the tradition is to wrap newborn very tightly. Not knowing the scientific reason behind it, I would not be judgmental. But one lady I know reassuring me it helps keeping baby calm and she does it all the time, here in the USA, because this was what her family believes. She even demonstrated this in the bungalow colony.
babies like to be
kept snuggle it’s like being in there mother’s womb
l’m aware people aren’t aware
Andrea Schonberger
Not being a mother I’m guessing that wrapping the babies up and sleeping together in the same bed keeps everyone warm with no lack of company for a good cry…LOL.
it doesnt look dirty or uncomfortable. The babies are actually close to other warm babie’s bodies, whose body temps are close to their mother’s body temp.
Wrapped tightly
It is called “swaddling” and we do it in the USA too. Always.