Picture of the Day: French Consul Does ‘Kipah Challenge’
In response to the current situation with anti-Semitism in France, where some Jewish leaders have suggested that Jews not wear yarmulkes in public out of fear for their safety, Rabbi Mikhael Cohen, head of Chabad for French-speakers in New York City, created the ‘Kipah Challenge,’ in which Jews and non-Jews alike take photos of themselves publically wearing a Kipah in defiance of terror.
Pictured is Rabbi Cohen with the vice-consul of France in New York, along with the Representative of French citizens in the U.S., both wearing yarmulkes in solidarity with their Jewish compatriots.
Qui , Qui Qui
Just make sure you take the Selfie with a Kosher Smartphone
Very good idea.
But we have to find a way to work on Sh’Lemus Ha’Aretz also.
Since the Rebbe Said: That if Israel gives away land that Hashem gave them In a miraculous way during the June 1967 SIX day war. This will put the lives of Jews all over the world in Extreme Danger.
On a positive note: Even though The fight for Sh’Lemus Ha’Aretz seems overwhelming. We need to remember what it was like to fight for yiddishkeit in the Former Soviet Union (the 2nd most powerful country in the world).
And with the Rebbe’s brochos & guidance we won. & now the Soviet Union only exists in history books.