Picture of the Day: Rejoicing in Silence
A group of deaf bochurim rejoice with their friend, Isser Lubecki (Paris, France) who just got engaged to Hanaelle Israel (Sarcelle, France). Isser is known in his hometown for his enthusiasm for doing Mivtzoim, unhindered by his handicap.
Must Be Amazing
To never hear loshon hara.
yakov kabacznik and family
mazel tov !mazel tov! bniyan adei ad!! kol habrachot!
Mazel Tov!
Meheiro YISHOMA…. Kol Soson V’Kol Simcha
Mazel tov Isser, many simchos!
Toronto bochurim.
Mazel tov from Toronto!
Hard of hearing is a better term and more correct, especialy in the case of some of those in the picture.
MAZAL TOV. We owe them hakaras haTov for being inspirational!
beautiful pic of achdus
moshiach now
Most of us are handicapped
Hope nobody minds me repeating this story, again.
A Chassidishe Rebbe was addressing a big hall of Rabbanan (100, maybe 1,000). One of the issues was shidduchim for people with hearing aids. It seemed that they were less desirable.
He told the olam,“Okay, everybody, please take off your glasses.” They did. “Now, look at the clock and tell me what time it is.” They could not. “Guess what, your’re all handicapped!”