From Days Gone By: Bedford and Dean, 1958
In this vintage photograph, three young students at the Lubavitcher Yeshiva on Bedford and Dean pose for a picture in 1958. Can you identify any of the three?
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To the left iz dacht zich Shmerel Marozow, next to him is gruntchicks brother in law (I think his first name was Dovid), and I do not recognize the last one.
show the face
the midle one is Y Goldstein
the three are
Dovid Rimler, Yankel Goldstein and Nathan Petchenik
the boy in middle is jake goldstein,
Yossel Chadchen, Isaac Brod and shmuel Lipsker.
Seems like col. Goldstein has always stood straight ווי א סאלדאט
The one on the left is NOT Dovid Rimler. It’s Krauss who lived on top of Reyim Ahuvim shul
Chabad history lover
Guy in left looks like Michel Krausz
yechiel mechel y.goldstien barnetsky
אחי תמימים ליובאוויטש
נתן פעטשניק, יעקב גאלדשטיין, מיכל קרויס
rugby oond pote
Dat is Jakob Goldstien, Michael Kroos oond Nathan Petchneek
Gershon Schusterman
The boy on the left is Yechiel Mechel Krause, the one in the center is indeed Yankel Goldstein and the boy on the right is Barnetski.
sholom t.
In middle is yankel goldstein. On the left moshe mechel kraus. On the right is rabbi barnetskys son
Bev, London
They all look gorgeous. What lovely boys.
Aharon Goldstein
to the best of my memory, the one on your right is Barnetzky son of one of the teachers, in middle Yankel Goldstein, on the left “Moshe Michel” kraus a charachter that no one would forget from the old days, he used work in the kitchen and was in charge giving out small milk bottles during the day, if you deared to take 2 bottles he would let you hear about it!,
48 yr in the hood,
right to left is
krausz — j.goldstien – d. rimlir
crown heights reident
Considering the way Crown heights is expanding.
How long do you think it’ll take before Chabad families from crown heights will buy houses next to the former building of the lubavitcher Yeshivah on Bedford and Dean
yitzchok teitelbaum
the boy in the center is yakov goldstein, the boy on the right is barnetsky who’s father was the 3rd grade rebbe and the boy on the left was not from alubavith family; forgot his name. this picture was taken about 1955.
There’s no such person as Shmerel Marozow. I’m a Marozow
Rimler, Yankel Goldstien..
On right looks like a Rimler, middle looks like Yankel (Jake) Goldstein, on right not sure maybe Mendel Shechter
to #8
As per Yanke Goldstein he is in the middle it’s kraus on the left (his father was the ruv in rayim ahuvim shul) and the son of the uly melamed rabbi barnetzky in the right
Shloma Chaim
Moshe Mechel ben Elya Kraut. Elya was not the roov.
Charles Gordon class of 60
The one on left is surely Krause