Picture of the Day: Banner Welcomes Shluchos
A large banner was strung up last night across Kingston Ave. with a message of welcome to all the Shluchos who arrived in Crown Heights for this year’s Kinus.
The banner was created and erected by Camp Emunah – B’nos Yaakov Yehudah.
Camp Emunah
Camp Emunah is a great camp!
The sign is a nice gesture.
But, here is my problem:
1. Is Camp Emuah the only one who welcomes the shluchos? The sign seems to imply a welcome exclusive from Camp Emunah.
2. Is Camp Emunah the official welcome committee? The sign implies that Cam Emunah has this official position in the Kinus.
3. Was the sign legal? These signs seem to go up in the middle of the night as a “genevah” and “hefkerus”.
Yossi A
Great sign.
Just 1 thing.
Why right outside 1414 bochurim’s windows..
No good deed goes unpunished
How true it is that no good deed goes npunished. They do something nice and someone has ta’anos (1. complaints, 2. kvetching, 3. criticism).
sad to say, but so true..
Yet we must continue going lechatchila ariber and do all that we can in good deeds, because this is what Hashem wants (even though they have ta’anos)then Hashem will be proud of us!
Answer to 1
Camp Emunah is where Shluchos are made!
Zalmy Schapiro
very nice banner very good project