Weekly Photo: From Days Gone By

CrownHeights.info and Lubavitch Archives present this vintage photograph of an elderly Chossid with Cheder children and a woman seated by their side. Can you identify those in the picture, when and where it was taken?

Answer to last week’s photo in the extended article.

Answer to last week’s photo:

Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Texas, sits with the famous Jewish tenor Jan Peerce in the Houston Chabad House.

If you would like to share your pictures please contact LubavitchArchives@gmail.com. Like Lubavitch Archives and enjoy daily historical pictures by clicking here.


  • Detroiter

    This is obviously in the basement of Mishkan Israel Nusach Ari Lubabitcher Center, in Oak Park, MI. Reb Mendel was visiting and there’s gotta be at least one Shemtov and/or Polter kid in that picture.

  • Cheskel

    This photo was taken in Lubavitch Cheder Detroit, in the first room on the left in the 28555 Middlebelt building in Farmington Hills, Rabbi Futerfas would come to visit his granddaughter in Grand Rapids MI and on his way back he would come test the Cheder kids.

  • a grandchild

    circa 1969
    Reb Mendel observing the kindergarten at the cheder in Detroit
    Seated Mrs Silver A”H the first kindergarten teacher in cheder
    to her right Moishe Silver, Dovid A. Polter
    to her left Chany Deitsch nee Krantz

  • Another Detroiter

    Thank you this most inspiring picture. It is Mrs. Silver A”H and #10 is correct. What wonderful memories. These kids are grown ups today and many are shluchim all over the world.

  • The `good old days

    Definitely Rav Mendel Futerfas. An important Vort From Rav Mendel after Gimmel Tammuz Chassidim came over to him & asked of him what he thought about saying Yechi or nor. His answer was quite telling As to whether or not he wouldn’t say but he said one thing he knows for sure is where there is simcha there is Emes!!!

  • CHT

    If it is R M. Futerfas, I am shocked because he looks almost the same as I remember him from 1992.

  • hah!

    you know what I see? a bunch of beautiful cheder children sitting and learning at tables with open sefarim and thats it. Nothing else. Just good old fashioned learning. None of this nonsense of sensory activities and centers and multi approaches towards educating the whole child. we keep discovering new ways to teach kids, more free style etc and all we have is more and more problem kids with discipline issues and chutzpah that is excused because they are diagnosed with some label or other.
    I say back to basics.

  • To cheskel

    no its not in farmington its in shul down stairs the same table w ur father used to daven with us. they used to have that divider their as well