From Days Gone By: Bedford and Dean, 1966
This vintage photograph, taken in the summer of 1966, depicts a class posing for a group portrait outside the building of Lubavitcher Yeshiva in Brooklyn, which was then located on the corner of Bedford Ave. and Dean St., before it moved to Ocean Parkway. Can you identify anyone in the photo?
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Mr. Landberg
“if i only knew…”
They ALL are wearing ties!
When exactly did they stop wearing ties – not even on Shabbos?!
top left
Reb A Zaklikofsky, R’ Tzvi perlman, Moshe Zeidman
2nd row left
R’: Eli Blachman (CH), Shimon Kolodny OBM;
3rd row: I
Rabbis: Yudi Popack (Israel), Itche Piekarksy (Tel Aviv),
first bench
on the bottom right (from left to right)
Rabbis: Levi Wineberg (SA) moshe sheinfeld and (Chaim) Bryski ,
Sitting 2nd from L is Abba Piekarsky
Front row left person looks like a Popack. Next to him looks like a Piekarski. In the middle is Rabbi Fogelman.
English teacher
Looks like Mr. Landberg
not possible
If we’re thinking of the same Moishe scheinfeld, he would have been in a baby carriage….only ,7 or 8 months old in spring 1966
to #5
Abba piekarsky was already in HS then. it is Itche piekarsky
To #2
Times have changed. As a group, we are now much frummer and chassidishe then then.
Yes there are exceptions, but in those days we all ate foods that we would never eat now (bishul akum chips, candies without hashgocha etc), and wore clothes that we wouldn’t be caught dead in.
You ate WHAT???
You ate “bishul akum chips, candies without hashgocha”????
Candies need hashgocha!
That is not acceptable by ANY frum standard!
Good Ol' Days
Yes, there was life before Pashkez. We ate Wise potato chips with “just” an OU hechsher! It was kosher “enough” for all of us. There was no Pashkez or Blooms or any other Kosher candy company with triple hechsherim. Many also ate all kinds of candy, lollipops and flavored sugar in pixie sticks – without a hechsher!
Moishe L. Chanowitz
This is my class.
I think that we only wore ties for picture day
I see Shmuel Bukiet, Levi Weinberg, Shmuel Dovid Hardt, Moishy Schoenfeld, Shmuel Stein, Benny Shpilzinger, I think Hershl Weisberg is there.
Kenneth Schor, Mendel Schechter, Yehuda Goller, Zusha Winner.
Ari Chitrick was in this class.
This is taken in front of the yeshiva, in front of the steps
What changed?
Why in THOSE DAYS would they wear ties (at least for picture day), but today it is frowned on for adolescent boys to look mentchlich with a tie?
Good ole' Mr. Landberg!
Mr landberg taught in ULY for over 50 years=a yovel before retiring just a couple years ago
Yiddishkeit is measured by other things more significant then “bishul akum chips and candies without hashgocha”…
Measuring Yiddishkeit
Yiddishkeit is measured by other things more significant…like what? The brim of the hat, color of yarmulka and length of beard? Is THAT what defines a frum person and measures his yiddishkeit?!
Yosef H
The year my car was built…it still only has 59,000 original miles
to #8
not sheunfeld, I meant moshe shoenfeld
some of the students in TTL were from Flatbush or other and not from Lubavitch families
that’s reflected in the dress style.
will never forget those years 1964-1969 in Bedford and Dean
Who are you kidding?
Read the names identified! Many are lubavitcher names!
It’s Kenneth Shor
bottom row left to right yudi popack itche pikarski avrom nussbaum teacher mr. greenberg principal shmuel fogelman teacher mr, landberglevi wineberg moshe schonfeld yankel bryski. middle row left to right eli blachman shimmykolodny obm hershel lebowitz forgot , forgot, itchik rivkin berel gurwitz zushe winner mottel laufer yosie hecht br jj, lloyd schwartz. top row left to right avrom zaklikovski tzvi perelman moshe seidman kalman schorr zalman levertov israel najer lenny melamedas jack kotlarsky efraim nacmani howard weisermoshe goldshmid irving goller