From Days Gone By: First Children’s Kinus, 1994

Children attending the first ever Kinus Tze’irei Hashluchim, in the fall of 1994, pose with their counselors for a group portrait in front of 770. Can you identify anyone in the photo?

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  • Yanki

    Fishel Litzman
    Mendy Uminer
    Shaul Wilhelm
    Yossi Wilhelm
    Ovadia Goldman
    Mendy Mann
    Mendy Alevsky
    Berel Zaklikofsky
    Sholom Ber Tennenbaum
    Shmaya Krinsky
    Chaim Hillel Raskin
    Mendel Gourarie
    Sholom Ber Mendelson
    Schneur Silverberg
    Leibel Kesselman
    Yossi Freedman
    Tanchum Matusof
    Bentzion Groner
    Avremi Berkowitz
    Berel Goldman
    Yudi Shmotkin
    Levi Dubov
    Mendel Druk
    Mendel Shemtov
    Levi Vogel
    Yisroel Mendelson
    Levi Itkin

    • Levi

      Yanky Shemtov
      Chaim Vogel
      Mendel Fine
      Mendel Sputz
      Zalmy? Rader (UK)
      Peretz Mockin
      Levi Slonim
      ? Zaltzman
      ? Perlstein
      Mendy Dubrowski
      Heshy Dubrowski

  • The original name

    Peretz Chein
    The first kinus was called Kinus Yaldei Hashluchim. At a fabrengen during that kinus it was suggested that a more appropriate name would be Tze’irei Hashluchim.