Picture of the Day: New Smoothie Shop on Kingston

A new sign is being put up this morning by Sign It Inc. for a new juice and smoothie shop on Kingston Ave. near Montgomery St.


  • OMG

    how many of these stores do we need

    we have now 5 ice cream / candy / drink stores

    stop trying to take advantage of our money

    please give us stores that is needed for this community not stores that will make us spend money on junk

  • To OMG

    You have bechira chofshis and live in a free country. You dont NEED to shop there.

  • Nice Ave

    I for one prefer that a storefront be occupied with an actual operating business! And Kingston has been missing a proper drink shop.

    So, thank you to the entrepreneur who is really going out on a limb here for bringing another nice storefront to the avenue. I cant wait to try it out!

  • Marci Swebnor

    Boruch Hashem, maybe this shop will mix real fruit juices in a blender. I was in Israel and every corner in Jerusalem has a juice bar, you can mix grapefruit, orange, apple, lemon, whatever you want, all for 10 shekalim for a small, 20 for medium, and 30 for a large. You can’t beat those prices from Israel. It is more healthy than using sugar slurpies. Please Crown Heights residents, let’s try to drink more REAL FRUIT 100% Squeezed Fruit.

  • Anonymous

    Can anybody clarify – which store did this new store take over? Was it FLASH? Was it a different store?

  • #2 Its not so Easy

    To avoid Junk Food
    Because Junk food is made with chemicals that make it very attractive and very addictive

  • ccc

    To #6
    it used to be little toes.
    I wonder how long this store will last, especially now that sweet expressions is a full-out ice cream store (with smoothies)

  • uchh

    instead of flash?!?!?!?!?!?!??????
    and if u dont liike it? what the heck DONT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • devory

    To #6 they took over the previous hosiery store that moved down. The block

  • Terry

    I think it took over Flash Photo. By far, the most friendly and social place in Cr Hts is that Rimon Cafe, like a Starbux.

  • ch resident

    it took over little toes who moved down the next block where sparkles used to be

  • nice!

    sounds nice! cant wait to go there when i go to crown heights!! :) do they also sell slush maybe?

  • just me

    haha stand by for the negative comments;
    like why do we need it?
    Why no bencthes?
    Why so much money?
    Why why why…why bother?

    Gotta love this place!

  • Crown Heights Resident

    It would be nice if the candy stores in crown heights would put a printout of the nutritional value of the junk food they sell in the candy stores so people should realize what they are eating

  • hatzlacha rabba!

    the difference is that this place sells HEALTHY STUFF, NOT garbage!
    so excited!!

  • parent

    Didn’t we have one at Empire & Kingston (Sushi Spot?) a couple of years ago & it lasted 3 1/2 minutes? Yes, we can choose to buy or not, but #1 & #3 make good points. And it WILL be another hang-out. Not good, esp with the hoards of foreign teens at Tishrei. Parents should be aware of what Kingston Avenue is degenerating into when they send their kids here.

  • joe shmoe

    is this machputz nosh world moving across the street or is this a direct competition?

    actually unless they are stingy on their ice cream i dont think they will be competing..

  • larry

    why cant people just wish the guy good luck.MAY HASHEM GIVE U LOTS OF BLESSINGS

  • Healthy people


    HEALTH FOOD FAINTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Can-t wait!

    Just wait for Simchas Bais Hashoevah! This place is in a prime location for busines during those nights! Good Luck!

  • observation

    comments 3 and 4 are both well writtin, long, thought out and very positive comments abt the store.
    if you look at the time they were posted it’s the exact same time. It’s obvieous that it’s the owner or a family member which wrote them up…
    just an observation

  • cher

    to #31 at simchas beis hashoeiva the men are on the side of nosh world & the ladies are on the side of this new junk food store.this way now the ladies can now go shopping at this new junk food store during the nights of simchas beis hashoeiva.

    to #1, 9 & 23 i agree with you 100%.all these junk food stores are there to keep dr rosen in business.if these junk food stores did not exist how would dr rosen stay in business?in addition to the owners of these junk food stores you have to give dr rosen a little parnoso too.

    gombos at the corner of president is there for the same reason.to keep dr rosen in business.


  • just a walker

    wrong 34 , gombos there to keep feldman in biz ;)
    as for observation #33 boy are you one cynical low person for a human,,and even if it is family why do you care? Such rezilus yuck stay away from me!

  • stupid silly comment

    #34 what a stupid silly comment, why bring Dr Rosen into story ? I have only heard good things about him,

  • Women-s Shoe Store

    Please, please will someone open a store with all brand name women’s shoes (and with more than one pair of shoes in each size, please!). Women need shoes even when the economy is not good. A shoe store well stocked with sizes of fashionable shoes would be a great business opportunity for an entrepreneur.